Chapter 5: Recoiled

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The Posthuman was bandaging his arms as he was ready to fight Ricochet tonight on RAW, Alexa sneaked upon him.
Alexa: Boo!
Magnus was startled and jumped and he turned around to see the smaller woman smiling sweetly at him.
Alexa: I see you are preparing right?
Magnus: Yes and Alexa don't scare me again, I could've had a heart attack.
Alexa chuckled a bit.
Alexa: Alright, scaredy cat.
Magnus: Don't call me that either.
Alexa: Alright, so about Disneyland, wanna go tomorrow?
Magnus: Sure, we'll talk later about it after my match with Ricochet.
Alexa: Alright, good luck.
She winked at him before turning her back and leaving him confused and smiling.

"At the arena"

The two males were standing on the ring as they eyed each other. The bell rang and the two started circling the ring before Magnus decided to start with a Clothesline but the One and Only ducked and went to the ropes and jumped and performed a Springboard Moonsault and collided with the Posthuman and then got up and did a Standing Moonsault and pinned him but he kicked out. Ricochet got up and took the pace to his advantage and went for a Enzeguiri while Magnus was getting up, but he caught the leg and turned him around and delivered a Clothesline before grabbing him for a Pain Scourge and then did Re-Evolution and pinned him but Ricochet kicked out, Magnus was surprised by the One and Only's tenacity and grabbed him for another Pain Scourge but Ricochet countered with a Recoil which send the Posthuman on the ropes and got a Enzeguiri to the face and Magnus collapsed and Ricochet dragged him to the ropes and climbed the turnbuckle and attempted to do a 630 Senton but Magnus got up and Ricochet was attacked by the Swedish superstar while on the post, the two traded from punches to jabs, it all came down to Magnus grabbing the One and Only for a Superplex on the post and the two crashed the mat. The crowd was chanting "This is Awesome!" over and over, the two we're breathing and panting heavily, they countered they're moves but they were not giving up, the two got up on they're knees and began loading with jabs and punches until Magnus Headbutted Ricochet and got up and did Hellfire rendering him dazed and damaged on the same time before grabbing him and launched him at the ropes and he bounced off and got Thorns Out by Magnus who went for the pin but Ricochet kicked out, Magnus pulled away to collect his thoughts.

Magnus' POV (In Swedish)

"I don't get it, he just won't go down, that's what I like in my opponents... Stubbornnesss that make me pull out the big guns for them. Boy, he's in for a nasty moveset that I came up with him."

"End of POV"

Magnus got up and did a Back Suplex on the One and Only and then went for the ropes for a Running Knee Strike to the jaw and then grabbed him once more for a Hellfire but Ricochet got out of it and did a Enzeguiri to Magnus and then did a Recoil and dragged him to the ropes and climbed up to the post and did 630 Senton and hit him hard as he could and pinned him but he kicked out of nowhere. Ricochet was shocked that one of his best combos didn't work on the Posthuman. Ricochet tried for another one but Magnus got up and grabbed Ricochet and tossed him across the ring and then did Crash and Burn before climbing on the turnbuckle and did Trench Dive with brute force and pinned him and he won.

Announcer: Here's you winner... Magnus Erikson!!!

He got up and got his arm raised in the air but he quickly pulled away and roled out of the ring and eyed the crowd booing him and from out of nowhere from the crowd he was grabbed by the hair of "fan". But it unmasked itself to be Drew McIntyre and then began punching him and laid waste of the Posthuman and stomped on him and was pulled away by Edge and a few officials, Drew began cursing him in Scottish as he left, marking that they're feud is not over.


Magnus was holding his head a bit and got approached by Alexa who was worried.
Alexa: There you are, I am so worried after McIntyre attacked you.
Magnus: No need to worry Alexa, next week I will get my revenge on McIntyre.
Alexa: How can you be this confident, let's get you a icepack on your head.
She grabbed his hand and dragged him for some eyes, Magnus was cackling throughout the walk, suddenly Alexa had a smile on her face as they walked.

OK guys, this is chapter 5 and I will be updating tomorrow.
Peace out!

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