Imagine being told that Loki had died

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Imagine being told that Loki had died

Three months had passed since you had last seen your husband. You hated being apart from him, and each day was hell as you sank deeper and deeper into depression, a painful sadness. He'd saved your life back on earth when he tried and failed to take over New York. He'd promise that he would return, and make you his queen, but you thought it was all a dream, as a year had passed before the mysterious God returned back to you. Sweeping you off your feet, his undying love for you, he made you his wife, and took you to Asgard. Now here you stood in his quarters, staring out at the burning stars, your heart longing for news of your husband. "Excuse me, Lady Y/N", a voice said quietly, entering the chamber. You didn't care that you were only wearing a thin garment, but turned to see who it was, but gasped in alarm. It was his brother, Thor, his armour broken, his face scarred and bloody, his face grave and solemn. "I am so sorry", he croaked, a tear running down his cheek, as now you saw what he held out in his hands; a bloodied, ripped green cape. "No", you whispered, shaking your head, your body trembling at the sight of it. There was nothing Thor could say as you walked towards him, reaching out a trembling hand to touch it. It was the same cape you had given him before he had left, and he said he would value it just as much as your kiss on his lips. You clutched it in your hand, pressing your face into it, letting your tears mingle with the blood as your legs gave way underneath you. "No!", your heart screamed to the heavens as you broke down crying emotionally. "Leave me!", you snapped at Thor aggressively as he tried to comfort you with your pain, as he too cried silently. Reluctantly, he turned to leave, but you stopped him. "How did he die Thor? Please tell me how my husband died, and do not lie to me to protect me from my pain", you croaked, clutching his cloak against you, still smelling his scent. "Loki died in honour protecting me. He was always a better warrior than me, and now I miss him as much as you. He was the brother I should have loved". Thor's words broke your heart more as you pictured it happening in your mind, hearing his scream as he died, feeling his last dying breath whispering your name. "Leave me", you whispered, wrapping the cloak around your shoulders, closing your eyes, listening to Thor's crying as he departed. "Loki", you cried, your heart breaking as you sat there shaking. You didn't want it to be true, for him to be dead. You looked up to gaze out of the window, but thought you were dreaming, as the man you loved and thought to be dead stood there, his black hair blowing in the gentle breeze, his armour the same as when you'd last seen him, his green eyes glistening in love. "Y/N", he whispered, holding out his hand. You didn't want to believe it, you thought you were dreaming, but you stood, his cloak sliding off you as you shakily made your way closer to him. "Is this a dream?", you whispered scared, thinking you were now going mad, seeing your dead husband in front of you. "No Y/N. It's me", his velvety voice whispered, taking your hand in his, gently squeezing it. Your tear filled eyes widened in realisation, that this person, this man, was real, and you weren't imagining it. "Loki", you whispered, your heart breaking in joy. "Yes Y/N. It's me. I promised I would never leave you, and I never will", he said softly, stroking your cheek. "I tricked Thor. He doesn't matter, I never wanted the throne. I just want to be with you. I love you Y/N". He bent down, and gave you the most passionate kiss ever, your arms wrapping around him, never ever wanting to let him go.

Imagines : LOKI #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now