Imagine being saved and threatened by Loki (part 2)

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Imagine being saved and threatened by Loki (part 2)

Your head was ringing for the sound of the guns that had been fired before, as it throbbed in pain. You squinted your eyes open, moaning as you tried to bring yourself round from being unconscious. The sharp sheering pain from your ankle soon jolted you back awake, as full recollection of what happened filled your mind. Loki had just thrown you down here, after the officers that had come to get him had opened fire. Your eyes stung with tears as you remembered that he'd killed your dog, your only friend, as you tried to lift yourself up to sitting, biting back the cry of pain that tried to escape you because of your broken ankle. You looked back up to the top of the deep ditch, listening for any sound, but there was nothing, just the rustling of the leaves and the creaking of the trees. You pulled Loki's cloak that you still had on tighter around you as you began to shiver. You must have been out for at least an hour, because the sky up above looked like it was getting darker. "Hello, is anyone there?", you shout, hoping someone can hear you, but there's nothing. You try to pull yourself up the side of the steep ditch but anything you grip just pulls away, and you slip back down to the bottom, crying out in pain with your ankle. "Please, anyone, help me!", you shout a little more urgently this time, as you feel the panic starting to set in. The officers should be here, helping you, what was keeping them. "Help!", you scream in frustration and fear, but still no one comes. You start to cry, fearing that no one was ever going to come for you. You hear twigs snapping on the ground above you, and quickly look up, half expecting it to be an officer, but you gasp in horror. There was Loki, staring down at you grinning from the top of the ditch. "Well, well. Aren't you a sight for sore eyes. Need a bit of help there?", he said mockingly, pocketing his bloody dagger. "No! Not from you, stay away from me!", you scream at him. He chuckles, smiling at you. "Okay then. I'll just leave you there then, trapped down in that ditch where no one will find you in the middle of the woods overnight then, shall I?". "I'll take my chances", you spit back at him, refusing to let yourselves give into this wicked man. "Alright, well then. I shall see you tomorrow, if you survive the night that is", he said evilly, before turning and walking away. You fight against yourself, resisting to urge to shout after him, but the sound of his footsteps had faded, and you knew he'd gone. You pulled the cloak tighter around you as you started to shake with cold and pain. You brushed the tears out of your eyes, realising that he'd obviously killed all those officers, as well as your dog. That's when it hit you, that either way, you were going to die. You knew that if you didn't try to get out of this ditch soon, you'd freeze to death, or starve, or end up being eaten by another beast. Your other option was to ask Loki to help you, the murderous man who'd nearly had his beast kill you, had saved you, threatened you, killed your dog, killed all those officers and had trapped you down here. You sighed in frustration and realised there was only one thing to do. "Loki", you shout, hoping he hadn't gone too far. A few seconds later you heard the twigs snapping and his familiar figure appeared above you. "Do I believe the damsel in distress would like help?", he said sarcastically, grinning slyly as he stood there looking down at you. "My name is Y/N, how many times do I have to say it!", you say through gritted teeth, resisting the urge to curse at him. "Well?", he said sighing, putting his hands on his hips. "I'm waiting". "Yes", you say finally, admitting defeat. His face breaks into a grin, and he climbs down into the ditch, landing next to you as you stagger up onto your feet gingerly. "Can you walk?", he asked, looking down at your foot as you let it hover off the ground. You shake your head as you take off his cloak and pass it back to him. "Well, guess I'm going to have to carry you then", he said slyly. Before you even had time to reack, he threw his cloak over your head, fastening it closed so your arms were pinned to your side, before picking you up and slinging you over his shoulder. Your screamed and tried to struggle out of it but you couldn't see anything or get your arms free. "Let me go!", you cry to him but he just laughs and continues walking, carrying you off, to where you had no idea.

End of part 2

Imagines : LOKI #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now