Imagine Loki coming to save you

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Imagine Loki coming to save you

You stirred from your sleep when you heard to door creek open. Loki had just laid to you bed after you'd said you were tired after dancing the night away with him at the Asgardian Ball. He'd kissed you tenderly and helped you undress and slip into your night gown, and he'd carried you to your bed. He'd kissed your forehead goodnight, and said he would come back in a while after he had talked with Odin over some matter which he didn't want to tell you about. The approaching footsteps sounded wrong as they came closer to your bed; there was more of them, and too heavy to be Loki, plus there was a horrid smell. You opened your eyes, and gasped in horror. "Hello, little princess", a tall vigilante said to you, his face scarred down one side as he stood over you. "Help!", you screamed immediately, as you tried to get away from him, only to find your bed surrounded by other crooks who lashed out at you, grabbing hold of you. You tried to grab hold of your dagger on the table, but they grabbed hold of your hands and tied them tightly behind your back. You continued to cry out for help as they laughed evilly and gagged you, silencing your cries. "Oh little princess, what's that your saying? We can't hear you", the scarred one chuckled to you as you tried to wrestle out of their grip. One of the crooks grabbed hold of you and slung you over their shoulder as you continued to fight against them. They left the palace, carrying you on their shoulder, with a pile of silently killed guards in their wake. They walked through a secret passage which lead them to a concealed camp set up on the outskirts of Asgard. They stepped into one of the tents and dropped you down on the floor in the centre of the circle where the rest of the crooks and criminals had gathered waiting. "Woah. She's a fighter isn't she", one of them shouted as one of them came down to touch you and you'd kicked out with your feet at them. "She is quite the treasure isn't she. Ha, and to think that Loki actually trusted us to just raid the weapons vault and not take a little souvenir with us ...", the scarred vigilante said, as he stepped forward towards you. You tried to kick out at him but he grabbed hold of your hair, pulling your head up, causing you to scream into the gag. "So, you think you can fight against us?", he sneered at you, bringing his face close to yours, as you tried to pull away from him. You looked up at him pleadingly as his slimy hand began to stroke up your arm, causing you to tremble in fear and disgust. You tried to pull away from him but he pulled your head again, causing you to cry out again as tears started to roll down your cheeks. "Oh, I'm sorry. Am I scaring you?", he chuckled at you, bearing his blackened teeth to you in an evil grin. You nodded your head as your whole body tensed. "Well, let me wipe those little tears away", he said sarcastically, bringing his face next to your. What happened next caused you to scream so loud you thought your lungs would explode. He pulled you close to him, putting a leg over you, pinning you down to the floor, as he stuck out his tounge, and licked your face. Your legs thrashed around madly trying to make him stop as his leg pushed you further down onto the floor, his hand moving up your arm to your neck. "You taste so sweet princess, it would be a shame to waste it", he chuckled as the rest of the crooks laughed menacingly at you as you lay there, completely trapped. "Boys, leave us. This one is mine tonight", he smeared at you, waving his hand to dismiss the others. They filed out of the tent as he stood up, taking off his jacket, revealing his scarred chest. He turned around closed the front tent enterance, as panic was already growing in your chest, fearing what was about to come. His eyes stared at you darkly as he circled around you, to the other side of the tent to close the other entrance. "You will kneel to me, princess Y/N", he chuckled darkly at you as he turned to close the other door. Suddenly, he falls down onto the floor, clutching at his throat, a throwing knife sticking out of it. Your heart skipped a beat as Loki stormed into the tent, his eyes full of rage. He spots you on the floor, and rushes straight to you. "Oh Y/N. I am so sorry! Are you alright?", he asked scared as he untied you and embraced you tightly in his arms. "Oh Loki", you cry, breaking down in his arms, clinging onto him tightly. "I knew they would do this. Those criminals, I knew I never should have trusted them!", he spat, running his hand through your hair as you buried your face into his chest. "How did you find me?", you croak to him, looking up into his eyes as a single tear ran down his cheek. "After I had gone to talk to Odin, I came back to you and you'd gone. I alerted the guards and we followed the trail of dead guards they'd left on their way in. The whole Asgardian army is outside, waiting to strike and kill all of these pathetic creatures", he said holding you close, anger flaring in his eyes. "Take me home", you whisper to him, as you cradle his face in your hands. He nods, and picks you up in his arms, kissing your forehead as he grips you tightly to his chest, and runs out of the tent into the woods, carrying you close. "Thank you", you whisper to him. "Oh Y/N, I thought I had lost you. I swear to you. I will never ever leave your side again for a second. I love you", he whispered, bringing his face close to your and kissing you passionately on the lips.

Imagines : LOKI #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now