Part 11:- In 'Pain' and In 'Pleasure'

Start from the beginning

YiJun is too mesmerized to think or act; he keeps staring at Xian's beauty.

"My Jun, if you don't tell me, how will I know what you want?" Xian whispers, pouting at the older boy.

When YiJun continues to remain silent, Xian smiles mischievously, "If you don't tell me, can I do whatever I want with you?"

"Mn." YiJun nods. He has never been able to refuse the boy anything he asked for, and he never will, not in this life or his future lives. He knows that he truly and completely belongs to Xian.

Xian's smile widens; he moves up and captures YiJun's lips between his.

YiJun's hands come to rest on Xian's back. Xian deepens the kiss, and his hands confidently wrap around YiJun's erection.

YiJun gasps at the feel of Xian's fingers around him. He breaks the kiss, "Xian, what..?"

"I am doing whatever I want, my prince. And right now, I want to feel you." Xian kisses YiJun's cheek softly and starts stroking him, "I want to feel all of you."

YiJun closes his eyes at the way Xian is making him feel. He throws his head back and shuts his mouth. Xian continues to kiss and suck and leave marks all over Jun's upper body.

"Wait... I will- I am about to cum. Stop." YiJun warns.

Unexpectedly, Xian stops, "Jun, look at me." Xian orders.

YiJun opens his eyes and sits up, pulling Xian in his lap, "What happened?"

Xian bits his lips before hesitantly handing a small glass jar filled with clear liquid to the older boy, "Jun, will have to use it on me."

"What is it?" YiJun asks, taking the jar.

Xian blushes, "I want you." he says, avoiding YiJun's eyes.

"You already have me. I am yours, and always will be." YiJun feels confused.

"Yes, you are. Jun, I want you to cum inside me." Xian says, hugging YiJun and burying his face in the older boy's neck.

"Xian, you are too young... It will hurt if I do that." YiJun lifts Xian's face and looks lovingly at him, "Why do you want that?"

"I want us connected in every way possible."

YiJun smiles, "If that is what you want, how about you cum inside me. I am older and... "

"No." Xian says stubbornly, "I want you in me. I need you. This liquid, it will help." the young boy says, pointing at the jar.

"What is it?"

"It's a medicine." Xian lies. He doesn't want to tell YiJun that the liquid is something Xian had made himself, and it would prepare Xian's body to receive Jun.

When YiJun looks unsure, Xian lies down and opens the jar. He dips his fingers in the liquid and rubs it over his entrance and then on YiJun's member, "Jun, please. I want you now."

Lying on the bed naked, Xian looks like an Elven creature. YiJun feels like Xian's body has acquired a magical glow. But he dismisses it. 'No one can do magic like that in this kingdom. Maybe my mind is making up things.' YiJun lowers himself on Xian's delicate body and captures his lips in a deep passionate kiss. When he feels Xian's relax under his touch, he slowly enters the younger boy.

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