#13/ how it's done

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I slowly open my eyes. I look around, still in the living room. I see Bill smirking in the corner of the room. "You should get drunk more often!" She chirps. I roll my eyes and try to get up off the chouch.

Body failing me.

I fall back on the chouch.

"Bill!" "Yes sapling!" Bill answers in a singsong voice. "What did I do last night" I question him. His smile brightens and his eyes sparkle. "First, after you blacked out, you ran outside and screamed 'I AM A MAN!' At the top of your lungs" I roll my eyes. "Ok what else?" He giggles then responds "Then you flirted with me non-stop..... And that was about it". I FINALLY manage to stand up and head to the kicthen. I grab a cup of water and chug it down. I look at Bill, who followed me into the kicthen. "Did Rosemary get drunk?" I ask. "Yes she did, she ran outside and came back not long ago with a dead badger" He laughs at this.

He then comes out of the cupboard that his head was stick in. He has a bottle of liquor. "Bill. No" I tell him. He ignores me and grabs some shot glasses and fills them. He also grabs a bowl. "I can hold my alcohol!" He tells me taking a shot.

Long story short, he can't hold his alcohol.

"Pine tree! Sapling!" He coos as he clings to my legs. I roll my eyes and attempt to shake him off.

It fails.

He clings to my leg. Cooing sweet nothings. Them he randomly scrambles up and jumps on me. He knocks me on the chouch, and then proceeds to bury his face in the crook of my neck. "I LOVE YOU!" he repeats.

Then he, out of nowhere, he just stops. I hear small snores. I pet his soft blonde hair. I look at him and he's staring at me. "Where you taking?" I question my drunk boyfriend. "Maybe" he coos. It roll my eyes and continue to pet his hair. "I love you Pine tree! You should stay with me forever!" He chimes. "I plan too" I reassured him. "No I mean you should stay with me now that your immortal! Like me!" He chirps.

My heart stops.

I look at him agian, he actually fell asleep. I hear a quiet meow. I see a blue and a yellow cat come up and lay on this cuddle pile. Basil comes up and lays on Bill's back. Rosemary, being a small jerk nugget, comes up and lays on my head.

I roll my eyes and let the the sleepy feeling I've been ignoring take over.

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