Part One | 18

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Chapter 18

"The moment I set my eyes on him... I loved him more than I ever thought I could love. He was the most important thing in my life. And I would do absolutely anything and everything for him. Looking back on it now... I just... I wish I knew what was to come. With me and Marie. Then... Maybe I'd have been able to shield him from it, to protect him. I really wish that. I would've done so many things differently."


"Bryson... Bryson!"

Instantly, I sat up at Marie's worried and frantic voice. My hands felt a wetness on the mattress and I got up. It was still dark. The sun was just barely rising. It took me a moment to understand what was happening. My eyes were still blurry.

"What the..."

Marie sat up, staring at the large wet spot beneath her. "I-I... I think..."

"Oh god. Okay." I reached my hand out to her and slowly lifted her up. With no time to waste, I helped her walk to the front door. 

"Bryson! I need to change my pants!" she yelled, obviously frustrated.

Anxiously, I threw my hands up in the air. "I mean... Aren't you going to get them even more wet?!"

"Get me some pants!"

I did and she quickly changed. 

"The bag," she pointed in the corner of the room at our "hospital bag" for when the baby comes. Last night playing cards, I would've never thought I'd be picking that bag up in a few hours. "Get the bag!"

Once I had all our things and Marie had changed, I helped her out of our apartment and down the stairs. There were barely any taxis out, but we managed to get one down the street.

"The nearest hospital," I told him. "Kid's on the way."

The driver looked back at Marie and shook his head. "You gotta be kidding me."

"Hurry up!" Marie screamed. 

With no reply, the driver slammed on the gas. Within ten agonizing minutes, Marie and I made it to the hospital. I ran into the emergency area and immediately let a woman at the desk know that Marie was going to give birth. 

The lady didn't seem shocked. I wasn't sure if she'd already met a few pregnant woman this ridiculous early morning or if she had just seen instances far more graver than ours. Or maybe she was just used to this.

"Okay, take a seat and we'll have her admitted."

While I gave the woman all of Marie's fake information, I couldn't help but think about how much this was going to cost and how I'll manage to pay for it. I wasn't sure. 

When Marie was finally given her own room, she was really only suffering minor contractions. The doctor spoke to us as if we knew all the medical terms. Maybe Marie did, but I sure as hell didn't so everything kind of went over my head. 

The rest of the day went on like a blur. Marie was in constant pain and because of that, she was meaner. I didn't let it get to me, though. I couldn't imagine what she was going through. And we'd been at the hospital for hours by the time things really started kicking in.

"You okay?" I asked her when she groaned again.

"No I'm not okay, Bryson. I'm in fucking pain."

I rolled my eyes at her sarcasm. "I know you are. You've said that many times now. Do you need water?" I glanced at her cup, which was full.

"No," she said.

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