Part One | 16

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Chapter 16 

"Before I knew it, things were... tough. Marie wasn't working, and I didn't want her to. I worried that she'd go out on her own without my knowledge and get money. I worried she'd do something she'd regret. Something she couldn't get herself out of. So that's why I took it upon myself to figure out a new way to bring in more cash. It was... the only thing that took away the stress. At least up until that point."


As I received my pay for the past two weeks, I walked back to mine and Marie's apartment, wondering what we'd do with our kid once he comes. Surely, I won't be able to support the three of us on my own. M will have to get a job, as badly as I didn't want her to. 

"You look stressed as hell, Taylor," Antony said, slapping me on the back as we left the construction site.

"I am," I admitted, rubbing the sweat off of my head.

Even though it was getting late, it was still blazing hot. I don't remember Maine ever being this hot in October. Or even Massachusetts. New York was different. Way different.

Antony leaned forward. "What's up?"

I sighed, turning down Park Avenue. "You goin' this way?"

He nodded and pointed ahead. "Yeah, I'm on 23rd."

I didn't say anything for a while. I didn't think he actually cared about my problems, but I thought about it all the time, all the issues that Marie and I were having financially. So without thinking, I just said it. 

"My girl's about to have our kid." He looked at me, probably shocked. I continued, "And she's not working. And I don't want her to. It's just... I don't know if I'm going to be able to..."

He nodded once more, and we were both silent as we waited for the cars to drive so that we could cross streets.

"It sucks, man," I said, clutching the envelope in my right hand. 

"Hey, man, we've all been there."

I raised my eyebrows. "You got kids?"

"Me? Hell no," he laughed. "But my ma and pop were the same way when they had me. We lived in Queens and... Shit, childhood was rough, I'll tell ya. We got by though."

How? How did they get by? How will Marie and I get by? We're struggling now. What about when the baby's here? How will we manage? How will we bring in more than what I have? 

Antony glanced at me. "How, uh... How bad is it?"

I chuckled humorlessly. "Would you call me a piece of shit if I said we don't even have a crib and she's due in, like, four months?" I looked away. "We barely have so much as a few toys from a damn gas station."

Antony bit his lip before stepping in front of me, lowering his voice. He nodded his head toward an alley. "Come on."

I followed him, looking behind me to see if anyone was watching. But, in New York City, no one really gives a shit about you unless you're famous. 

We went about halfway through the alley before we hid behind a few dumpsters. Antony looked at me, suddenly incredibly anxious. 

"I know a few people. But... I mean, it's depending on what you're willing to do."

I narrowed my eyes. "I..."

"I got connections, Taylor."

I took a step toward him. "What kind of connections?"

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