My phone blinks while I'm tying my Nike sports shoes .

'You guys reached the place? I'm leaving now . Be there in 5',
Ro's msg flashes on my screen ,

'They reached . I'm on my way'

He ends up calling me and asks over the phone ,

" Where are you ?"

" Well I'm leaving now "

"How are you getting there ? "

" Walking "

" Wait outside . I'll come and pick you up "

" You don't have to "

" I already took the turn towards your place "

" Okie dokie " I say and he hangs up .

"Bye Mom , I'm leaving "

" Okay , take care . And text me once you reach "

" Okay "

" By the way , are you walking there?"

" I was going to . But Royal said he'll pick me up "

" Okay . If you had told me earlier
I would have asked someone to drop you "

" No problem " I say and hear a horn .

" He's already here "

" Let me also talk to him "

" Mom later , we are getting late "

" Oh come on . Just 5 mins "

Royal had bought his bike along .

"Hey Aunt Jasmine . I mean Mum " he says  cheekily

" So Royal , you are going on a date with my daughter ? "

Is this Incest?! Fudge , no!

"Mom!" I shout

"I'm not that lucky you know " ,
he says casually

Is he kidding me?!

"Stop buttering me up" I say to him and then turn towards mom ,

"Mom , you know he is in a relationship!"

"I know , I know . Go on , have fun . And Royal make sure she gets home safely "

"Sure" , he smiles

My mom goes back inside and Ro says, "Get on"

"Nope" I say while crossing my hands over my chest


"I'm driving"

"Very funny"

"The only thing funny here will be your cheek when I slap it hard "

" Why are you so worked up?!"

"Dad taught me how to drive bikes so you need not to worry"

"Look , just because you are my bestfriend , I'm letting you drive her"

Saything that he gets off ,
while I make myself comfortable on it .

He settles himself as well , his arms hanging loose at the side .

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