🎄Goofy X-mas🎄

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Happy Belated Christmas and Happy New Year to Everyone from Myself, AshleyGryffindor and NevermoreUppercrust

'Christmas Magic works in mysterious ways from the most cold hearts to thaw in front of those whom once held their lovers close....this story is about a former couple who once were to wed until one Christmas tempers flared and the girl left the door of their own shared home, the pair of former lovers haven't seen each other for a few years until this Christmas season where the boy along with his brother in law and best friend Tank and his own wife Evelyn were walking around Toon town shopping for this yuletide time until a certain girl carrying a large stack of gifts walked into the boy'

Gifts fall onto the sidewalk as the girl sat up panicking.

(?)- "Oh my gawrsh! I'm so sorry about that I was walking down to my training center to wrap up these gifts." She said honestly as she helped the guy she knocked down on the cold sidewalk as the wind blew her wool beanie off her head showing her long h/c hair and famaliar face paired with tiny Goofy teeth.

(?)- "I'm sorry ugh you think I wouldn't be this clumsy after winning the X-games for years in college with my best friends and brother." She said while picking up her hat from the ground and began picking up her gifts.

Although at first he had been scrambling to collect his things, the tall brunette was now stopped dead in his tracks. Although more mature, the voice behind him was frighteningly familiar. As she spoke, her words made his breathing nearly stop, and his body to go rigid. Petrified, he dared not turn to face her. He did however force himself to stand, even despite how tense his body had become. He pulled down the edges of his hood, wanting to hide from the current situation. He'd never wanted so badly to be somewhere else... Realising she was still waiting for him to speak, he let out a few stressed words, unable to speak or think clearly.

(Bradley) - "U-uh.... N-n-no..... Y-You're f-f-f-.... You're fine! I- I- I.... I'm happy t-to hear o-of y-your success...~" He stammered out, hood up and head hung low to hide his face. His sister and brother in law stood speechless to the side, beyond unsure of how to help their brother.

She laughed softly as she held her bags of gifts and fixed her hat before looking up smiling sweetly.

(Y/n)- "Thanks it didn't come easy though anyway. I'm Y/n Goof and you are?" She asked as her huge e/c eyes lite up happily. "Tank! Evelyn! Oh my walt it's been years how are you two?....wait if your both here that means....oh, no..."

She said honestly before looking at the hound in front of her seeing a bit of a fancy mahogany red suit sweater along with a familiar nose.

(Y/n)- "Hey, Bradley...it's been a long time since..." She said while rubbing her neck lightly with her free hand as the outlet mall shops played 'Baby it's cold outside' ironically sang by the Goof woman. Her cellphone rang as she scrambled to get phone out of her coat and answered it.

(Y/n)- "Yeah, P.j? No I'm on my way back to the center...he what?! Ugh! No, no, no I'll be there thanks P.j tell Gwen and the kids I said Merry Christmas."

She said smiling before hanging up her phone and picked her other bags and looked at her former fiancee and their friends/sister.

(Y/n)- "You guys want to see the X-games center to get out of the cold while I pick up a certain troublemaking special guy." She asked while walking up to the X-games training center and struggled to open up the door to get inside.

Feeling a slight bit of shame, he kept his head down as he walked silently behind her. Once at the door, he looked up and opened it up for her. A small, shy smile graced his lips as he held the door wide. His grin showed off his light stubble and the tiny scar on his upper lip. The four walked inside, all feeling a bit awkward. Hating the silence, Brad decided to speak up.

Bradley Uppercrust the Third x Y/n Oneshots/StoriesΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα