Hero and Villainess AU 3

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)Next Week(

Max sighs before slapping Bradley across the back of his head to snap him out of it as the guy stared at the princess drawing of his sister.

(Chad)- "Okay, Max the dude is smitten for days by N/n haha! I can't believe that he fainted though and hasn't talked to her since just stares at her from afar like a lovestruck dopey."

He said while laughing as did Bobby and Pj while the girls got ready for class while Y/n bags up a chocolate chip cheesecake cookie filled her family's recipe for a love potion for Bradley while the others were normal.

(Y/n)- "Time for Bradley to get a girlfriend for his coronation coming up in a few weeks."

She said while smiling mischievously yet felt conflicted til she remembered the plan.

Bradley gasped in mock horror as he raised a hand to his head.

(Bradley) - "Hey... It's bad enough you hit me, but don't act like I can't HEAR you!~"

He said with a chuckle. He gave a mock glare for a moment before smirking and lunging at Max. He tackled him to the ground and pinned him. Before he could even mock Max, the two were flipped over. Next thing anyone knew, the two were rolling around, both trying to get the upper hand. Some moments it looked like Brad had him... other moments it didn't. Either way, neither one was giving in.

(Bradley) - "Man... You wrestle like your SISTER!" Bradley yelled, totally serious as he tried pushing Max off.

Max glared at Bradley before quickly putting him into a headlock.

(Max)- "Say Mickey or I ain't letting you go free, Romeo at least I don't squeal like a girl when a girl kisses me!"

He mocked as Pj, Bobby and Chad along with the Gammas cheered them on til Tank walked in and tried to separate the two only for them to pull the big lug down as well into the wrestling match.

Y/n walked towards the Gamma house with Evelynn since she was going on a date with the big teddy bear.

(Y/n)- "So a week into dating your teddy bear, how is it the show we did for you two to help you out?"

She asked while playing with her sapphire choker necklace's gem.

Evie glanced down at her own gem with a shy smile.

(Evelyn) - "I kinda think my dear old brother helped too... He's known about us since before WE did!"

She said with a giggle. Inside, Bradley and Tank had teamed up, and were trying to overpower Max. However due to the amount of magic being used, the two heros found it rather hard. Bradley slipped free from the headlock, and Tank had pulled MAX into one.

(Tank) - "Uh-oh! Tough break, Sweetheart..!~" he mocked, causing Bradley to laugh.

(Max)- "Two can play at that game, Chad!"

He yelled out loud as Chad tackled down the big guy with his strength and easily pinned him down.

(Chad)- "Your lucky dude that you got a looker like Evelynn, she's no Roxy but she is adorable."

He said messing with Tank's fondness for his girlfriend.

(Chad)- "You planning to kiss her yet, Big guy?"

He questioned while Max tackled down Bradley again but this time outside as Y/n and Evelynn stopped in front of the house.

(Y/n)- "Possibly and hang on a sec."

Bradley Uppercrust the Third x Y/n Oneshots/StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now