lost pup 33

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Chapter 33

It was the final day before the battle I could feel the nervousness floating across the packs as well as the worry and fear held by the pups and those who were not going to take part in the fight.

The past few days had consisted of nonstop training, securing our borders and making sure the safe room was fully prepped for those who would not be fighting.

I had decided to give everyone a day off knowing that not everyone would be returning after this fight so the packs grabbed at the chance to spend their last moments with their families unsure of what the future would hold for them.

As soon as Alek and I had woken up from our long needed sleep we went in search of Kevin who we found being entertained by Evan. I couldn’t keep the smile from my face as I saw Evan making silly faces at Kevin as he laughed his head off rolling around on the floor with Elise giggling next to him.

I felt myself laughing along causing the kids to realise they had an audience as soon as Kevin saw us he screamed and ran to us.

“Mummy, Daddy are you going to play with me, Evan and Elise today” Kevin said giggling whilst he pushed his arms around me for a hug.

I pulled him into my arms holding him on my hip giving him a squeeze as Alek joined in on the hug.

“Yes Kevin your mommy and I have nothing to do today except to spend our time with you” Alek chuckled as he started to tickle Kevin who couldn’t contain his giggles.

I saw Evan and Elise standing to the side awkwardly, I should have realised they would feel weird about Alek’s introduction to our family.

I handed Kevin to Alek and walked towards Evan and Elise pulling them both into a hug I could sense the worry they felt about the war tomorrow and its outcome.

I tried to put as much reassurance in that hug for them trying to tell them that everything was going to be alright without speaking the words because if I did I know it would be a lie.

I felt them both wrap their arms around me knowing this might never happen again as I pulled away slightly I saw tears on Elise’s face.

I didn’t want to worry Kevin he shouldn’t have to worry about if his parents will live after tomorrow.

“Alek why don’t you take Kevin and you both can start making breakfast” as I looked into Alek’s eyes I saw a look of understanding cross them as he took an excited Kevin to the kitchen.

“Yay daddy let’s make pancakes” Kevin squealed.

I giggled along with Evan and Elise who also couldn’t contain their laughter at Kevin’s antics.

I held Elise’s face in my hands wiping away her tears “are you okay sweetie” I asked.

She shook her head “No I’m scared I don’t want you to get hurt or die you’re like a mum to me and Evan, you took us in when no one else did I love you sissy I don’t know what we’ll do if something happens to you” she cried out as I pulled her into my arms for another hug I could see Alek nodding his head at her words.

“Sshhhhh... I need you to be strong Elise for Kevin okay you know I’m going to try my hardest to come out of it alive but would you rather we didn’t fight and let ourselves be killed by the rogues and hunters anyway” I asked calmly.

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