Chapter 18: A Dragon and a Nightmare

Start from the beginning

You calmed your beating heart and pulled off your other glove, letting them both sit in your hands and burst into flames. You sighed, snapped your fingers for a fresh set. A pair of white, silky gloves hovered in your palm, matching the flowing white dress and leggings that now hugged against your body. You gently pulled them on until they met your elbows, inspecting them carefully. It was as if they were made of the moon, they glowed bright against the water as they took in the sunlight, leaving you mesmerized.

You chuckled quietly, yet before you could soar back to the sleigh, a loud echoing roar pierced the air. Amost immediately, you covered your ears, noticing the others did the same. It sounded dreadfully painful, as if the creature were on the verge of death.

You spun around as you hovered above the water's surface, searching for the source of the agonizing roar. It was deafening, almost like a scream...for help? You shot back up beside the sleigh, the others still cupping their ears, yet still giving you confused looks. That could also be because you went from wearing all black, to a fancy white dress.

"(Y/N)?" Tooth questioned, staring out into the abyss that the noise seemingly came from, "what's wrong, what was that sound?"

It seemed you were too busy looking around frantically to even acknowledge her words. Where did it come from? Where did it go? You searched and searched, from the surface of the waters, to high above the clouds. No matter where you looked, the source could not be found. You zoomed back down into the sleigh, landing in the edge with a small thud.

"(Y/N)!" Bunny called out for you, yanking you back inside the aircraft, "what's gotten into ya, mate?!"

You stared out onto the horizon as if you were in a trance. These painful roars, they brought back many horrible memories, "Nova..."

"What about Nova?" Tooth spoke up, flitting in front of you to try and disrupt your trance, "she should be back at the workshop."

You stood back to your feet, something had caught your eye. You looked towards it, squinting to get a better look.

Flashes of purple and black were bunched up in a tight area. There were maybe, six of those shadow things, and one stood off from the rest attacking, leaving five. Strange. It was as if darkness had broken a seal into the light, atleast, that's what it felt like.


"Already on it."

You nodded and sprung from the sleigh, them following on beside. It wasn't much farther now, yet you did inspect the beings, you couldn't tell much apart from the glowing golden....eyes....

Shit. Not these things, again!

Nightmares surrounded the small purple dragon, each kicking and biting at her scales. And upon further inspection, Nova was losing this battle. Scratches and blood seeped from the bare skin beneath the defense of her scales. Her eyes were filled with to the brim with beads of tears as she fought against her provokers, but the worst part? Her wing had torn.

Just as you reached them, you drew your sword. You slashed it through the body of a nightmarish horse, and kicked it's remains away. Tooth saw this and flew from the sleigh, taking one of North's swords and followed through, copying your own actions.

While the two of you fought, North and Bunny stared from the sleigh, frantically wishing they could lend a helping hand. Yet the vast ocean beneath them said otherwise.

One by one, each Nightmare seemed to vanish, yet the one that watched over it all, remained there, staring. It didn't move, it simply hovered before you, as if it were planning something. You still kept your guard up as you cradled Nova's tired body in your arms, keeping an eye on the Nightmare.


She cocked her head sideways at the peculiar name. She's most definitely heard it before, it was just, unfamilliar. Her eyes, those glowing yellow orbs were filled with fear and sadness. She moved forward.

You quickly rested Nova in Tooth's arms and ushered her into the sleigh, to which, she cautiously obliged. The Nightmare then moved again, not stopping until she was towering over you.


You reached your hand out in a shushing manner, and luckily, Bunny's mouth clamped shut. What happened next was confusing to you all.

The mare leaned her head against your cheek, her eyes fluttering closed as she relaxed. However, your own body was tense, tenser than an armadillo when it's threatened. You were confused, wasn't this mare trying to murder you just earlier this morning?

After noticing how terrified you were, she moved away from you, leaning down on one hoof and bowing before you. Slowly, yet surely, you began to relax, a smile gracing your lips.

"Head back to Hyperion," you murmured, just loud enough for everyone to hear, "you'll be safer inside the shadows."

She angled her head again in confusion, yet it only took a smile for her to understand. She nuzzled your hand, bowed her head elegantly, and shot further off into the skies. She flew so far that within seconds, she couldn't be seen, even in the bright sunlight. And that was that.

You floated back down into the sleigh, your body still yet to overcome the fear of the short encounter. You looked up into skies, where you once saw the mare soar into the abyss of time and space.

"Vhat just happened?" North questioned abruptly, keeping a loose grip on the reigns, "did it...hurt you?"

You chuckled quietly at their worry, taking the small, quivering dragon into your arms, "no. She did the exact opposite. She realised who she once was."



I'd also like to point out, I don't really like this chapter. I had to write and rewrite it so many times because I wasn't happy with it, so I just settled for this.

Reason being I haven't updated in a little while, is because I recently had a doctor's appointment. And just today we got my blood tests back and I've been notified that I have an Iron Deficiency problem.

It's not too bad, it honestly could've been worse. But I haven't been feeling that great aswell. And considering school starts in LESS THAN 4 DAYS, it's getting a bit stressful.

I don't know when the next update will be, but I hope it will be soon. There's a fair bit more to be in the coming chapters. And, well, I just want to get a pure fluffy chapter down for (Y/N) and Bunny.

Oh god, he's so gonna kill me-

I just want your feedback on some of the previous chapters, comment your favorite one, leave some critiscism (keep it positive tho), and try and mention any mistakes I've made.

Yeah, this chapter took me awhile to write. And I'm most definitely not proud of it. But it's just a filler, making way for some of the more hectic stuff in the future.

I think that's all for now, Bye!

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