Jungkook smiled back and sat down in the chair across the table. He slipped off his jacket and laid it back on the chair.

He caught Taehyung giving him a one look over. He looked pleased.

"You look handsome tonight." He commented and opened up the menu to look at it as he waited for Jungkook to arrive first.

"Thanks. You too. You look very good tonight." He complimented back, following the same action and looking at the menu.

"What can I get you guys to drink?" A new woman approached. She was white with short ginger hair cut into a wavy bob. Her name was Elisa.

Taehyung glanced at Jungkook who looked at him before looking up at the woman with a smile. "One glass of champagne and sparkling water for now, please."

Elisa nodded and walked away with a smile. She returned five minutes later with the drinks, placing a glass for each person and filled them.

"Thank you." He smiled and she nodded, walking away when she was told they needed time to order.

Taehyung looked over at Jungkook who was intently focusing on the menu. He was glad there was an English translation under each item or he wouldn't be able to understand.

Taking the glass inbetween his fingers, Taehyung swirled the sparkling liquid. "So, Jungkook. How did your wife react to the money?"

"I didn't tell her about it." He commented.

"Oh? Why not?"

"I told her I got a promotion instead."

"I see." Taehyung nodded and sighed.

"How did she react to your promotion then?"

"She was happy."

"That's all?"

Jungkook looked up from the menu and chuckled. He knew exactly what the other was looking for.

"She was turned on by it. So she showed me her happiness in the bedroom." He responded.

Taehyung formed an 'o' with his lips.

"That must've been fun."

Jungkook shrugged. "I had a hard time getting it up but I figured it out."

Taehyung raised a brow and brought his glass to his lips. "Oh, I see. Well, that's good you were-"

"I fucked her while thinking of you the whole time." He said bluntly, not even looking up from the menu as he said it.

This caused Taehyung to choke on his drink and let out a small cough.

How straightforward! He was glad they were speaking Korean and that nobody else understood what they were saying. Well probably.

Jungkook hid a smirk, feeling proud of himself.

"Well, I uh..." Taehyung's voice trailed off. He wasn't normally easily taken back but Jungkook just had a way with words.

He cleared his throat. "Happy to help." He mumbled, taking another sip of his drink. Soon, the waitress came back and they ordered their meal.

"So Jungkook. Were you born here or?"

"I was born in Busan. I came here around 10 years ago."

"Ah, you've been here longer than me. I came from Daegu." He answered. "Why did you come to the US?"

"I heard life was better here. I was naive at 23." He chuckled but it wasn't that funny to him.

"And is it?"

"It's.... nice for the most part. Except for the bills."

Taehyung nodded. "Well, you got that covered for now." He said simply.

Jungkook nodded then looked at Taehyung. "What about you?"

"I'm sure you saw my card. I am the CEO of the hotel we were in."

"But I came here around 2 years ago. My parents wanted me to experience handling the business on my own so they sent me here. I am a model before this." Taehyung answered his question.

"A model?" That makes perfect sense for him. He has the perfect height and body build for it.

"Yes. High fashion. I modeled for Gucci, Versace..."

"Damn. That's hot." Jungkook said openly and Taehyung couldn't help but blush with a shy smile, looking down at his hands.

"Where did you work before this?"

"A stock company. JCTR."

"Sounds like fun."

"It wasn't but the best paying job I could find at the time. In a way, I am glad I am gone from that place."

"Was it that bad?"

"Oh yes. Racist co-workers except for a few, the office was a mess, and the machines never worked half the time." He groaned. "It's the place you work if you're desperate."

Taehyung smirked.

After that, their food arrived and the two began to dig in. The food was great. Some basic Italian dishes but still fantastic.

During dinner, Taehyung would run his foot gently against Jungkook's lower leg and it would send a shiver down Jungkook's back. How could such a simple thing be such a turn on?

"What do you want to do after this?" Taehyung asked after a bit but he could tell by the expression on Jungkook's face what he exactly wanted to do.

He smiled seductively. He said his next set of words with a purr.

"Okay, Mr. Jeon.~"


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