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Ding ding

Morning. Morning oh morning.
I sighed, but got up.
And then I saw the white origami rose sitting in my night stand. I got up and changed my pajamas. My stomach rumbles loudly.
I really hope that there's seconds for breakfast.


"Alright you may eat your breakfast"
The headmaster said, hitting her hand with a stick, leaving the cafeteria.

All the kids started to eat the burnt toast and oatmeal.
I finished it quickly, I was very hungry.

"What's up with you pig?"
Said Minho from the other table.

"Like you wouldn't know"
I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that pip squeak?"

I gulped.
He stomped to my table.



Minho laughed. Oh how I wish I could have he strength to punch him.

"I'll give you a warning- it will be your last before your beatings"

I gulped once again.
He snickered and went off.

I could hear everyone laugh at me. All their eyes burning through me like bullets. Why couldn't I just have a normal life? A life where I had a mom, dad, and siblings.
And maybe even lover.


Oh that's right, I haven't introduced my self.

Oh that's right, I haven't introduced my self

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Hi, my name is Kim Taeyoung.
I'm sixteen years old, and once I'm 18, I'll be outa here. I don't know who my parents are. I'm bi, and that's mostly why I get bullied.


It was now free time, and I went back to my room. I sat in my bed and huffed out a sigh. Two more years. Two more years and I get to leave this hell of a place. But where would I go?
I don't have any money. I have a school education, I can get some kind of good paying job. I've always loved to dance and sing.
Would it be possible to be a dancer and singer?
That's in two years anyway, I guess I'll just have to wait from here.

Din ding:
Special announcement, please all orphans come to the main hall

What? We haven't had a special announcement for a while. Is their a new orphan?
I went down all the stairs, to ins everyone cupped up all in the main hall.

"He's kinda cute!"

"Do you think he would like me?"

"Is he a orphan?"

I tried squeezing through all the fan girl and boys. That's when I saw a boy. He had pink fluffy hair, and was short.

"Hi! I'm Jimin, and I'll be helping out around here, so don't be afraid to say hi!"

Everyone was oohing and awing. He was very good looking, and seemed a few months older than me. After that, everyone seemed to want to talk to him, especially the girls.

"Do you have a girlfriend Jimin hyung?"

Girls were asking.

"Umm actually I have a boyfriend"
Did he really...
So I'm not the only one?!
I was really happy hearing that, but he girls seemed pretty mad and they all stomped off.

"Sorry about them, they love new people"

Jimin laughed.

"What's your name?"
The pink haired boy asked.

"I'm Taehyung, Kim Taehyung"

And that's how their friendship blossomed.

Ugh - TaejinWhere stories live. Discover now