The Sun Also Rises

Start from the beginning

"Thank you." He said and left to go save Laura.

Laura's POV

"Where are you taking me?" I asked when Klaus dragged me to a warehouse out of town and shoved me into a room without any delicacy. "I need you to stay in this room until the ritual ends." He said.


I thought he was going to use me in the ritual when he found out I had vampire blood in my system. "You're not taking me to the ritual?" I asked him confused.

"No." He replied and I frown at him. "It was never my plan to use you from the beginning. I have something else in store for you, my dear." Klaus smirked.

I felt a cold shiver crawl up my back as I hesitantly asked what he had planned for me. "What are you going to do with me?" I asked.

"You'll find out when I come back." Klaus walked out the room. "What did Jenna ever do to you?!" I yelled just when he was about to close the door.

"Nothing. This is punishment for Damon's meddling." He said.

I stare at him unbelievably. "I had Caroline Forbes and Tyler Lockwood in waiting when your boyfriend showed up and set them free." He said.

What? He was going to use Caroline and Tyler?

"Oh, don't give me that look. You can blame this on Damon." Klaus said walking back into the room. "Why are you doing this to us?" I asked him quietly.

Klaus tilted his head as he looked at me and grabbed my chin. "Because I'm just pure evil." He said.

I gritted my teeth as I glared at him. "Go to hell."

Klaus smirked at me before he walked back out the room and closed the door. I heard the door locked and ran up to it. "What are doing? Let me out!" I yelled through the small bar window.

"Make sure she stays in there." Klaus instructed his vampire underling who responded with a nod. "Klaus, let me out."

"Don't worry, love. I'll be back soon." He said and left.

~ ~ ~

I didn't know how long I was locked in here for but it wasn't long before I heard a noise outside. It sounded like a fight and then I heard someone calling my name.


"Damon? Damon!" I quickly got up from the floor and ran to the door. "Damon! I'm in here!" I yelled louder for him to hear me.

"Sit back down!" The vampire that has been guarding me yelled into the cell. "Bite me." I told him.

"Damon!" I yelled again.


Damon ran in and found me behind the door. The vampire quickly tried to attack him but Damon grabbed his throat and thrust his hand into his chest and ripped out his chest.

"Damon." I let out a relieved smile. "I got you." He came up to the door and ripped off the lock on the door. He opened the door for and I instantly ran into his chest.

"I got you." He said.

"How'd you find me?" I asked him amazed. He was already unconscious when Klaus took me. "I'll always find you." He said.

I smiled at him for coming to save me. "You're forgiven." I told him and he smiled.

"Come on, we don't have much time before the ritual starts." He told me. I quickly nod and follow him out of the warehouse.

Stefan's POV

Elijah, Alaric and I went through the woods towards the Old Witch House where Bonnie's been hiding for the last few days. Elijah was going through the plan one again just to be sure everyone knew what they were doing.

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