The Descent

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*This chapter was originally left out. 

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Laura's POV

I drove myself and Elena to the Boarding House after I got a call from Damon earlier this morning, Rose got bitten by a werewolf. We don't know if she'll die or not because we never seen a vampire die of a werewolf bite before. It could just be a myth.

When we arrived Damon opened the door for us. "Hey, where's Stefan?" Elena asked. Damon nod his head inside. "In his room." He stepped aside for her to enter and she went straight to Stefan's room.

"Hey, how is she?" I asked referring to Rose. "I'm hoping better." He said holding up a blood bag and we went to the library together. Rose was sitting on the couch looking a bit sick holding her hands together. "I was born in 1450, that makes me 560 years old." She spoke when we walked in.

"Well, if you were a bottle of wine..." Damon attempted to make a joke to cheer her up but Rose interrupted him. "So I can die. I've lived long enough." Damon and I exchange looks at each other.

"You know, if you're gonna be morn, I'm just gonna kill you myself just to put me out of your misery." Damon poured the blood into a glass for Rose. "Rose, it's probably not serious. It's just a little werewolf bite." I spoke up to give a little bit of encouragement.

Rose scoffed bitterly. "Just a little, fatal to a vampire werewolf bite." She said. "Well, according to a legend which is notoriously unreliable source. Drink up. Blood heals." Damon said giving her the glass of blood.

Rose took it and sipped a bit of blood. "Yeah, it does feel like it's working." She said. "Let's have a look, come on." Damon said wanting to look at the wound. "Let me see."

Rose turned to the side to show her back to us, we looked at the bite to see it's gotten worse. I look at Damon and he had the same look I had, and we both knew Rose isn't going to make it.

"How is it?" She asked since she couldn't see. "Definitely... better." Damon stuttered.

"Right, Elena?" I turned around and saw Elena walking into the library, she was shocked when she saw Rose's werewolf bite. "Uh, it's not bad." She said.

"Where's Stefan?" I asked. "He left. I need you to talk to him." She looked at Damon. "He's convinced that he has to find Isobel but I think that's gonna upset Elijah."

"Is he serious?" I look at her in disbelief. "No, can do. I'm with Stefan on this one but if you guys could play nurse for a little while..." Damon said.

"It's not necessary." Rose said shaking her head. "It is necessary. Elena and Laura a do-gooder. It's in their nature, they just can't resist." Damon said walking out of the room.

I look at Elena and nod for her to watch over Rose before I went after Damon. "Damon, where are you going?" I asked. "'I'm gonna find the cure."

I frown at him. "Where are you going to find it?"

"I'm hoping I get it out of that werewolf, Jules." He said vily. "Do you think she'll give it to you? You did piss her off on the worst night possible." I told him.

"I know that's why I'm trying to fix it!" Damon raised his voice at me. I look at him surprised, he realised what he did and became apologetic. "I'm sorry."

"Damon, are you afraid that this might be real?" I asked him. He looked at me confused. "You've been going on how this could all just be fake but now that's it happening, you're afraid that it's real."

Damon doesn't say anything at first just keeping his mind to himself before he spoke up again. "Death happens." He said and I frown at him.

"We come, we go. Sooner she dies the better. It's gloomy as hell in here." He said and walked away. "Damon..." He closed the door on me.

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