162 Candles

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*This chapter was originally left out

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Laura's POV

The day after we witnessed Vicki die Sheriff Forbes called us in to question about her disappearance. Elena, Stefan and I had already discussed it with each other the story behind her disappearance to make sure it flows through when we're being asked. Matt and Jeremy will answer honestly from what they know.

We were called in one by one and the sheriff asked us the same questions; if we knew where she was going and what was her behaviour like before she disappeared.

Once we were done she let us go. Elena and I walked out together and we saw Stefan waiting for us outside the office. I figured Elena wanted to talk to Stefan alone so I went with Jenna and Jeremy.

"We'll meet you at the car." I told her and she nodded.

Elena couldn't keep up with this vampire facade anymore, and she especially couldn't deal with the fact her boyfriend was a vampire and his brother is also a vampire who hates him. So she's choosing to break up with him.

It's a real a pity because I know Stefan's a great guy and he's doing everything he can to gain her trust but things just aren't going smoothly for him. This all happened because Damon couldn't let go of their past with Katherine so now their relationship is at it's breaking point.

I was getting the feeling that life wasn't going to get any easier now that we know what Stefan and Damon are. There was problem a long road ahead of us and we have to deal with it even when we don't want to.

I sighed a long breath.

"What's wrong?" Jenna asked.

"Oh, nothing. It just felt weird being in there." I said.

~ ~ ~

When we got home Elena and I were sitting on the couch wallowing with each other just staring at the blank tv. Jenna came over and slump down between us.

"You girls are wallowing." She said.

We looked at her. "So are you." We said in union.

"My wallow is legitimate. I was dumped." She told us. "Yeah. Well, Logan's jerk." Elena said boredly.

"I told you he was no good." I said unintentionally rubbing it in. "I didn't even get a brush-off e-mail saying 'I'm leaving town. See ya'." She said upset.

"Wanna keep it down over there?" Jeremy called out from the dining table doing something. "Why? What are you doing?" Jenna turned back to him.

"Homework." He responded which surprised all of us.

"Since when do you do homework?" Elena said looking at him.

He looked really concentrated with his papers and was determined to finish it. "I gotta finish this. I'm way behind and I have a quiz tomorrow so..." He said.

We shared surprised glances at each other lowered our voice together. "What do you think? Alien?" Elena asked trying to be funny.

"Some sort of replicant." Jenna said.

Jeremy looked up. "He can hear you." He made a face.

"Oh, and he's got an attitude." I said and he glared at me. I laughed it off. "Need any help?" I asked him.

"Why would I ask help from you?" He looked at me.

"What's wrong with getting help from me?" I frowned.

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