"Well then you're no help." I said cynically with a vile smile.

"But there are these rumors flying around that the doppelgangers exist." She said. "Which means any vampire who wants to get in favour with Klaus will be lining up to capture the both of you." John clarified.

Stefan looked at Elena and I with a worried look.

"I'm not buying any of this." I said folding my arms and stepping towards her.

"The last time that you were here you made it clear that you didn't give a damn about us. Now all of a sudden I'm suppose to believe that you want to help us?"

"Isobel has been helping all along." John tried to explain for her. "We don't help her." I glared.

"Klaus has been obsessed with Katherine for centuries. All it would take is any one of those 1864 tomb vampires to spread the word around that Katherine was still alive and it would bring him straight here to Mystic Falls, where you two are bound to be discovered. So we killed them." John explained.

"And almost killed Stefan and Damon in the process." I said in anger. "Not to mention you nearly tricked Damon into killing Elijah when you knew the dagger was going to kill him."

"Yeah." He admitted adding more fuel to my anger.

"How can you expect me to trust you when you're trying to kill the people that I love?" I yelled at him. "I was trying to protect you." John said.

"Well, stop it!"

Isobel got out of her chair and looked at me. "I have a safe house that I could take you girls to. The deed is both your names. No vampires can get in without your permission. Not even me." She said.

I looked at Elena and we both knew we weren't interested.

"Let me help you." Isobel said.

"You want to help? Then get the hell out of my house."

~ ~ ~

Stefan brought us back to his home to discuss things with Damon, we were in the library talking about Isobel and what she told us about Klaus. "Do you really think that Isobel's telling the truth that words got out about the doppelgangers?" Elena asked.

"Look, I don't trust a word that she says, but I think we'd be stupid to ignore the warning." Stefan answered. Despite the fact that I couldn't trust Isobel, Stefan was right if we ignored the warning.

"You know, you should just stay here." Damon suggested sitting longways on the single armchair with his hands supporting his head. "It's better for us to keep an eye on you." He winked at me.

"What, in the house that any vampires can enter? No. Their house is safer." Stefan argued making an excellent point.

"Well, then we'll stay there. Dibs on Laura's room." Damon smirked. I rolled my eyes at him but couldn't hide my smile.

"So is that the plan? Neither of you let us out of your sight again?" Elena looked at them objectively. "More like keeping an eye on you, since you still haven't gotten over your idea of suicide." I told her.

Elena huffed at me. "Fine. Then one of you two bodyguards is going to have to come with me to the Lockwood luncheon." Elena gave up arguing. "That'd be me." Stefan said since he's the boyfriend.

"You can count me out on this one. Not interested." I said quickly, dissing the whole thing. "Yeah, not me. I have witch stuff to attend to." Damon said.

"Does that mean you're taking her to the..."

Damon put his finger to his lips telling me to be quiet since there was someone listening to our conversation.

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