Personality Changes

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A what if story

What if the Kisaragi students had different personality's?


Hell is what would happen.


Six students were gathered around a lit candle, they're teacher snoring away at her desk with unfinished paperwork next to her.

A girl with short blue-black hair sat telling the others a story, her face serious.

"Once, where this school now stands, was an old schoolhouse...

And on this very floor stood a very simple girl. The everyday, ordinary kind of girl...

One day she had a little accident... She slipped, fell, and cracked open her head. The damage was extensive.

Cerebral fluid and blood poured out. There was so much, her body almost floated in the pool that formed."

One of the students whimpered, wishing he could just get back o his duty's as rep and go home. He twisted knots in his shirt as another laughed flirtasiously and patted his head to calm him down. He immediatly scooted away and towards the candle.

"Anyone could tell she was dead just from a glance. She calmly stood up and muttered... "More... more..."

She then cackled maniacally... and vanished. Even now, in this new school... She wanders...""

Another student hugged her friend to her chest, practically suffocating her. Although the other didn't mind, not in the slightest.

The story seemed to be finished and the blue haired girl sighed before screaming "FOREVER!" causing one of the students to scream out as the others gasped. She laughed at the expression of pure terror on his face.

"Holy shit!" Shinozaki Ayumi laughed "You should've seen you're fucking face Mochida!"

Mochida Satoshi only whimpered in fright, why did Shinozaki always single him out? Why not Morishige or Kishinuma? Scratch that Morishige was nearly never scared due to his gory anime's or whatever and Kishinuma would only flirt. A certain giggle came from next to him, distracting him.

Shinohara Seiko's face was deadpan as ever but they could all swear that there was a slight blush to her cheeks as Nakashima Naomi clutched her friend into a protective hug causing Shinohara's face to rest on her chest.

"Don't worry Seiko! I'll protect you from her!" She giggled.

Suzumoto Mayu giggled as well "Shige-Nii was that story scarier than the stuff you watch?"

"Not very, the jumpscare was a bit expected" Morishige Sakutaro said from next to her, holding her hand.

Ayumi glared at him "Well, if you didn't like it go back to your piss poor horror anime, you geek and come back when you learn about real horror. I scared the shit out of Mochida, didn't I?"

Kishinuma Yoshiki patted Satoshi's head "Shinozaki, Mochida here is afraid of everything and everyone. I don't think he counts" he grinned as Mochida's cheeks turned a bright red. It was always fun to tease Satoshi.

She stuck her tounge out while giving Yoshiki a glare that clearly said 'back the fuck off'.

"What princess? Would you like me to give you attention instead?" He snickered, only achieving to get his hand over her head before he had been punched in the stomach.

"Fuck, I f-forgot about how hard y-you punch" He coughed glaring a bit. You always had to watch yourself around Shinozaki, it was hard to know if she was either gonna just storm around or turn violent.

They're teacher Shinichi Yui decided to wake up at that moment "Uwah? Tsukasa??"

Naomi giggled again, while Seiko had a light smile on her lips "Tsukasa isn't here Ms. Yui"

She looked down dissapointingly and fell back asleep.

Satoshi stood up fidgeting slightly "W-we should a-all start to c-clean up"

Everyone nodded agreeing with the rep's decision and started to get up. A knock on the door, Yoshiki got up and opened it. It was a small girl carrying an umbrella, her face was wiped clean of emotion whatsoever.

"You forgot your umbrella you dumbass" She threw it at the brunet who shrieked and cowered almost like he expected it to stab him. She looked a bit annoyed but hugged him "Be more careful onii-chan"

He nodded carefully and picked up the umbrella "U-u-um, l-let's get t-t-to w-work"

Ayumi clapped him on the shoulder and held up a paper doll "Not yet, you little shits"


Satoshi whimpered as he walked down the hallway, blood covering the walls. He was in his worst nightmare! He knew something was off about that paper charm!

He had lost Yuka (He really was a dumbass the worst of them! How he had even gotten voted for Class Rep was out of his reach of thought.), and now he was walking around scared out of his mind.

He soon came across a little girl sobbing. Her hair was tied in two neat ponytails and her bangs were covering her eyes, although he could see a bit of blood on her face. He shuffled up to her and shyly tapped her shoulder "A-are y-y-uou h-hurt?"

She stopped sobbing and started to giggle "I don't know.....How about you check onii-chan!" She lifted her head up to reveal one of her eyes were missing and she was grinning insanely.

Satoshi screamed in fear and immediatly fainted. Yuki looked at the boy, had he gotten so scared that he died?

The other two ghosts soon popped up from they're hiding places. Ryou curiously poked Satoshi with a stick, there wasn't even a single movement from the brunet.

"Is he dead?"

"*Gurgle* *Splsh*"

I think so...

Satoshi jumped up, surprising all three and making them scream, before running off.

The three looked at eachother.

"What....just happened?"

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