How They Met

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Kishinuma Yoshiki had desperatately been trying to keep up with his schoolwork ever since, Shinozaki Ayumi had saved him from being yelled at further by the gym teacher and what could've been a possible way to get himself kicked out of school. Currently he was studying even after he had just gotten off work, with multiple grouchy customers and was extremely tired.

The blonde not only wanted to impress Shinozaki, he wanted her to actually consider him, her friend. He certainly considered her his friend, after all she bothered to know his name. Yoshiki sighed as he put down the pencil and stretched out his back, hearing it crack slightly. He liked Shinozaki, she was a bit rude at times but she was a good person and tried to help others.

Yoshiki didn't really understand an apparent small rumor he had, just one he had heard from the overheard gossip from some of the girls in gym that Shinozaki had a crush on Mochida. He wrinkled his nose at the thought of that boy.

Mochida Satoshi, was a small boy maybe average size with brown somewhat messy hair. He had honey brown eyes that some girls often though they looked more of a golden colour (overheard gossip once again, he needed to stop that habit of accidently eavesdropping). For someone who talked so little and was incrediably shy he had somewhat a reputation with girls having crushes on him, Yoshiki had even seen a number of boys give him some chocolate on Valentine's day (only because he had seen them sneak it into Mochida's gym locker).

Yoshiki had no interest and socialising with a boy who also well known for being 'Kisaragi Academy's biggest whimp', as Mochida was very frightened of almost anything (well almost everything in his opinion). The blonde absolutely hated people who were complete whimps.

Kishinuma shook his head to clear his thoughts slightly before putting his homework and notes away in his bag, putting his pencils in the small pouch that he kept most of his writing materials in, before putting that in his bag as well and laying out his school clothes for tomorrow.

He yawned slightly as he stretched and changed from his work clothing into a t-shirt and sweats for pyjamas before sliding under his blanket. He had worked countless hard hours to afford all of these things, after his parents had disowned him but he couldn't help but be glad he was free from his posh parents.

The blonde soon slipped into a dreamless yet peaceful sleep as his thoughts drifted away.


Kishinuma Yoshiki yawned tiredly as he walked to school, his sleep last night had been somewhat bothered by an arguing couple who happened to pass by his flat at 3 o'clock in the morning. Other than how extremely pissed he was at them, he didn't go to sleep for another two hours until he was woken up thirty minutes later by his phone's alarm clock.

So was he in a bad mood? Yes.

He passed by a few students who he recognised as Shinohara Seiko and Nakashima Naomi. They were extremely easy to recognise because Shinohara was an extremely perverted girl and her unique personality as well as he unique hairstyle that raised questions. Nakashima was always with her, and was known for being a bit of a tomboy. Shinohara always hung around Nakashima and flirted with her constantly. They were and odd pair and Yoshiki found himself often steering clear of them.

He yawned again and Nakashima frowned slightly as she saw him do so. The brunette walked up to him, Seiko skipping along as she did so.

"You're um.....Kishinuma right? Are you alright?"

Yoshiki stopped walking and stared at her for a few moments, tempted to snap at her 'Do I look fucking alright to you!?'. He sighed, he shouldn't snap at the girl, she was only trying to see if he was okay. Nakashima most likely knew his name from Shinozaki or something of the sort.

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