Holding Hands

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"C'mon stop crying, I patched you up" A young blonde boy about the age of eight said as he moved away from the other boy who's knee now had a bandage on it.

The brunet sniffled and wiped away his tears before shakily standing up "T-T-Thank y-you Y-Yoshiki-Kun"

The taller boy rolled his eyes "It's not something you have to thank me for" but there was a slight hint of pink on his cheeks.

It was quiet after that as they walked until Satoshi spoke up "Y-Y-Yoshiki-k-kun, may I h-hold you're hand p-please?"

Yoshiki sighed and gently grasped the smaller boys hand, pulling him along "F-fine. Just- I'll only do this for you, okay?"

Satoshi's cheeks turned a dark red and he nodded furiously before asking another question "M-May you h-hold m-my hand every d-day?"

Yoshiki stopped before looking at him "I told you I would only hold you're hand you dummy" he turned away and he was glad he did because he felt like his cheeks were on fire.

Satoshi smiled shyly at him and continued to walk, content with being close to the other boy.

~A few years later~

"Y-Yoshiki! Over here!" Satoshi cried out among the bustling students, trying to make his way over to the blonde.

Yoshiki made his way over to the brunet and he was about to lose himself in the crowd again before the blonde held his hand tightly.

"Don't wanna get lost, right?" He smiled.

Satoshi nodded and intertwined they're fingers "I'm so excited for high school!"

Yoshiki rolled his eyes but nodded before looking around quickly to make sure no one was looking and gave Satoshi a small kiss on the lips.

Holding hands was still only shared between the two, but kisses were as well.



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