"Yes, you do." Taehyung chuckled in agreement.  "Get up. We're going into town."


"Because I told you so."

Hoseok rolled his eyes before he started rolling his kimono off his shoulder.  Letting the fabric gather and hang off his hips from the loosely tied obi around him.  Taehyung grabbed Hoseok's arm, helping the headache-hungover man up.  Taehyung whistled in awe at Hoseok's physique, something he did often in good fun- resulting in Hoseok to roll his eyes.  Not like Taehyung's body was any different than his.  Taehyung was probably more fit than him, he just didn't flaunt it.

Changing without a word with Taehyung loitering in his room with him, Hoseok didn't question the samurai about why he was being forced to go into town.  He knew he wouldn't get an answer anyway.  Taehyung was too good at deflecting and avoiding questions; Hoseok wouldn't waste his breath.

When both men had made it to the entrance of the compound, Hoseok stopped walking and sneered.  There you were, dressed casually in your standard priestess-like garbs and your hair tied back with a ribbon much like Taehyung's and a parasol open over your head. Hoseok briefly thought that Taehyung was the one who tied your hair back in the first place.

Some demons can easily become burned by sunlight.  Some consider the sun lethal in specific cases.  You would never effectively die by being in the sun, but too long in its light does bring a spec of discomfort you wish to avoid. 

You heard their footsteps as a wind of cold blew in small breaths past you.  Winter was already sapping the once spring-stuck stime the compound had been stopped in.  Turning, you saw Taehyung strolling closer and you didn't seem to be shocked to see Hoseok at his back- frozen in his steps. You returned the glare he offered you.  Neither two of the party of three were pleased.

Taehyung had more or less forced you to leave the compound today along with him and Hoseok.  The hunter, however, seemed to be left in the dark about your accompaniment until now.

"Hoseok," Taehyung called with a stern voice without looking back at him. "Don't lag behind." Hoseok bit his tongue. He could tell that if he even thought about fighting back on the topic that is you joining them, Taehyung would take him to the dirt until he screamed mercy and complied. The samurai would get what he wanted and that was the end of it.  Hoseok simply returned to walking, his steps albeit more dragging now, as both of them soon stood before you.

"Glad to see you listened to me, Y/n," Taehyung spoke to you.  You just looked away from him.  "Come now, you cannot possibly be angry at me." You scoffed at him.

"I can and will be."

Taehyung simply chuckled as he turned to Hoseok who was staring off somewhere; scanning anywhere that wasn't in your specific direction.

"Now then," the samurai started, "shall we be off?" He gestured for you to leave first, even the gentlemen's rule of thumb- ladies first.  He moved Hoseok by nudging him forward by his shoulder before the three of you started the walk into town.  A walk that seemed longer than usual because of the tense atmosphere.

Hoseok had his arms tightly crossed in place across his chest.  Out of all peoples, why had they run into a group of rowdy rugrats? Hoseok tolerated children at best- most being just too much for his patience to handle.  Of course, pair that fact together with how much of a people magnet Taehyung is, the entire ordeal spelled disaster in Hoseok's case.

You didn't seem to mind the children- acting rather indifferent actually.   You'd scold them when they tugged on your kosode sleeve or try and grab your parasol from your grip.  You answered questions they fired, but you didn't engage any further.  You never sought the attention and the constant brow crease you tried to ease was a clear indicator of that.

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