"Then we'll sway," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck.

His arms circled my waist and we fell into a easy rhythm. We probably looked ridiculous slow dancing to an up-tempo song. I didn't care, it felt right.

As we danced, Nolan got this zoned out look on his face. "Hey," I said, catching his attention. "What's happening up there?"

"Just thinking about the last time we did this," he said, glancing around the room. "This has nothing on the prom we put together. The decorations were better, too."

"What? You don't like BCH Under the Sea?" I teased.

"You know, that night was the first time I really talked to my mom in a long time," he told me. "That wouldn't have happened when if it weren't for you."

Warmth flooded my cheeks as he peered down at me, golden eyes sincere. "I think you would've come around on your own."

He shook his head in protest. "I would've continued to do what I was doing. Hiding. Until it was too late."

"Well, I'm glad I could kick your ass into gear."

His lips stretched into a smile. "That night she called you my flashlight. I didn't understand what she meant then, but I get it now. You came into my life, shining a light on all the important things I tried so hard to avoid."

"Is your goal to make cry tonight?"

He chuckled. "No. Never." He rested his forehead against mine, pulling me closer. "I just wanted you to know how important you are to me."

I could feel the tears welling in my eyes. I didn't think it was possible to love him more than I already did. "Quick, say something Nolan-like before I ruin my make-up."

He leaned down, catching my lips in his, successfully distracting me from crying happy tears.

* * *

Bee and Gia stole me away from Nolan and the three of us danced for what seemed like hours. The entire night was a blur of lights, selfies, cupcakes and laughter.

The only thing that cut through my sugar induced haze was Principal Gibson warning last minute voter that the polls closed in thirty minutes. They'd be announcing the winner of king and queen soon. I was so nervous I could throw up.

And I did.

"Jade? Are you okay in there?" Bee asked from the other side of the stall door.

I came out, going straight to the sink to rinse my mouth. "Mini cupcakes are a trap. They're so small that you can eat a dozen before even realizing."

"I swiped this from the cleaning lady." She handed me a sample sized bottle of mouthwash, then sat on the counter. "Are you sure it was just the cupcakes? You have a lot happening today between prom and your dad showing up. What'd he want anyway? I'm assuming things are good since your mom didn't kick his ass back to San Francisco."

I let out a small laugh after spitting out the mouthwash. "Things are as good as they're going to get with him. Mom thinks he's having a midlife crisis."

"That actually make a lot of sense," she said. "My sim had one of those and she wanted to divorce her husband and move into a new house."

"Well, I hope it passes," I admitted.

Bee hopped of the counter and began washing her hands. "Are you going to keep the rest of your stomach contents down?"

"I'll try." I laughed. "It's weird, though. I've never been this nervous before."

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