"Don't fucking call me Jah, and I know your ass won't do anything without some sort of gain for yourself or the other pleasure of using others. Talk to you later I'm busy" I finished the conversation as my finger hovered over the end call button.

Memories came flooding back of our positive happy moments and how we'd can for hours everyday before I shook myself out of my feelings.

"No wait Jah ple-" she started saying before I cut her off again.

"Bye" I said before pressing down hard on the end call button, locking and tossing my phone down on my bed, closing my eyes and rubbing my temples in frustration.

I shook my head to clear off my thoughts and yawned as I got off the bed. I quickly headed towards the door and opened it, closing it behind my figure as I swaggered over to the stairwell making my way down the creaky steps.

The smell of bacon being sizzled in the pan, eggs being fried, and loud laughter from the guys hit me all at once as I came off the last step. I let out a chuckle at the way Craig was sprawled across the black leather couch with his left leg dangling on the upper part of it and his right leg dangling off with a lighter clasped tightly in his hand and the other containing a handful of whipped cream. They surrounded the couch laughing and as I stepped closer I came to understand what they were so geeked off about.

"What are y'all...oh my godddd y'all niggas dumb" I laughed out as I saw Tank leaning over Craig's face with a sharpie in hand, tracing out a shape suspiciously similar to a dick next to Craig's mouth.

"Don't forget the balls!" Trunks reminded him. The guys snickered as Tank nodded and followed the instructions before closing the cap and throwing the sharpie down onto the table.

What made it even funnier is the drool that cascaded from his open mouth left a trail right under the drawing, looking as if he got nutted on.

Tank got up looking around frantically. "Where the fucking sharpie go? Why y'all always touching shit" he fumed.

This only made us howl with laughter even more. "How he go from playing around to being angry cause he got amnesia? Craig must've had another wild night again if he sleeping through all of this ", I thought chuckling while twisting one of my grey dreads.

Coolie smacked his lips. "You bout blind as shit you literally sat it down like not even a minute ago." He pointed at the table. "It's right there"

Tank waved him off and picked up the sharpie moving closer to Craig who was completely oblivious to what was about to happen to him considering he was unconscious and as I stood there frozen in anticipation with the guys, I watched Tank flick the closed cap sharpie over Craig's nose gently.

We snickered as Craig began to stir in his sleep, still Tank kept flickering his nose while trying to hold in his laugh. Splat! That's how hard Craig smacked himself in the face with the whip cream, getting some on the couch as he quickly got up getting into a fighting stance, holding his fist up to his face looking startled.

We roared with laughter except Craig who still look shook before his face contorted into anger, his hands quickly dropping to his sides. "Who the fuck did it! Y'all play to fucking much. Can't even sleep in this bitch!" he fumed, the veins sticking out of his forehead.

"Shut yo cry baby ass up. It's time to eat breakfast anyway. Yooooo" Tank laughed putting his hand on Scar's shoulder. "Why his veins look like fat ass noodles."

Craig shouted "That's it!" before lunging at Tank putting him in a headlock. He slapped Tank's bald headedness "Yeah who's your daddy? Talk that shit now"

Tank's head was tucked securely under Craig's arm as the two wrestled for dominance. "Yeah aight dickface wait till I get out this shit Ima fold yo lanky body ass up like a lawn chair" Tank replied with an heaved sigh, tired from trying to break out of Craig's hold as we watched in amusement.

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