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"Who are you, carrot head?"

★彡 To say the car ride to school that day was tense was an understatement

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To say the car ride to school that day was tense was an understatement. Billy blasted his music at full volume and drove so fast that Charlotte felt ill and was sick out of the window.

Nobody said a word except for Max saying "You okay?" To her friend when she was sick, to which Charlotte gave her an unconvincing nod.

Both girls were thrilled to be out of that vehicle, but not as thrilled as when they saw the stalkers embarrassing themselves in front of the whole school.

"Why are they dressed so weirdly?" Charlotte wondered out loud, risking her friendship by being confused, but desperate to understand.

"It's Halloween, you know 'dress up scary and get candy from houses' day, and they are nerdy enough to wear their costumes to school!" Max laughed,"I've got the best costume!"

As Max described her costume, the slightly alarmed teen walking next to her imagined what she could possibly do to fit in and tried to remember all the information about what Halloween was. Stealing (she did not understand that you have to pay) some black clothes from the corner store, especially if the two were going to go 'tricked or eating' or whatever it was called, was the best option.
When she was leaning against a locker to Max's right, oblivious to the two boys grinning behind her back, Charlotte drifted into a day dream. A girl with a shaved head and blood dripping from her nose held her head in her hands and muttered the names Mike, Lucas, Will and Dustin, showing an 011 tattoo. Unsurprisingly, she was in the upside down. Charlotte had never seen this girl before, as she only knew the numbers up to 004, so it was alarming  to find out that there were even more people like her.

"Oi." A boy's voice broke her out of the dream and his clicking fingers were extremely irritating, even when another boy tried to hit him with some weird box that was on his back.

"Hi Max and Charlotte, I'm Dustin and this is..." The curly-haired boy introduced, while Charlotte considered sprinting off.

"Lucas." His friend finished.

Now that she realised that their names were mentioned by Eleven, Charlotte decided to avoid them to keep her identity from anybody who could know her new sister.

"Yeah I know. The stalkers." Max replied, shutting her locker as Charlotte sniggered behind her.

Lucas and Dustin stumbled over their words, and Charlotte had had enough. Feeling sick of the amount of normal human interaction (she had only been nodded, lectured or yelled at before for up to ten minutes at a time), she took out the walkman she found on the floor.
The only tape that could be found in the few minutes Charlotte spent waiting by Max's locker before the bell rang was a Beatles one, and it began to play through her headphones.

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