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Number 01 was never allowed to live, only exist. Dr Brenner, her biological father, always tested on her in attempt to enhance her power to create and visit alternative dimensions. However, she did learn a lot for 'an object', in fact it was as if she went to school every day. She especially had a passion for geography, which she revised almost every day when her boredom was almost unbearable. When her mother visited her in 1978, One was eight years old and after hearing stories of the much more happy outside world, wanted to leave. Dr Brenner was also planning to trap her in a dimension for a few years as a punishment, so One decided to create a dimension and stay there for a day to be free and prove that she was powerful enough to be feared.


"One, please come with me to room 208." Dr Brenner said to his daughter, monotone and avoiding the truth, as always.

"Okay father." One replied, smirking to herself as her mind raced with ideas for her escape.

Despite her age, the young girl was skilled at combat and strategy, which would be useful later. Her father had never taken notice of that though: he was too focused on her weaknesses to see her strengths. This fed her desperate desire for an education, as she believed that a life without Dr Brenner and with a job would be the best possible future for her.

On the way to the room, One curiously peered through a window on a door and spotted another young girl, similar to her age, who was flickering between invisible and visible. She gazed at the tears streaming down the girl's face in empathy.

"Come with me!" One whispered, deciding to attempt to free another trapped number with the opportunity of the accidentally unlocked door.

The other girl winked playfully and became invisible, following her new friend as she was dragged by Dr Brenner. She intertwined her fingers with One's, filling the pair with the first positive feeling they had felt in a while. The older one traced circles on the other's palm in comfort, keeping their hands behind her back to hide the movements from her father.


A few minutes later, One was sat down on a tall metal chair and the other girl (she whispered that she was called number 03) curled up underneath the chair, still invisible. Both of them were uncomfortable and anxious of what was about to happen, their minds still racing. Around ten doctors crowded around the chair, notebooks gripped to their chests and scornful expressions stuck on their faces. None of them had ever spoken in front of any of the numbers before, because they thought that if they would not speak to an animal, it was not any different to not speak to the test subjects. The room One was inside had plain white walls and was empty except for her chair and a matching table covered in blood-stained medical equipment.

"Stay seated One, or we will have no choice but to keep you unconscious for the entirety of today's tests." Brenner commanded harshly, reaching towards the table to pick up something.

"You're going to be ones unconscious." One responded with as much sass as she could manage.

She abruptly leapt out of the chair, picked it up, knocked out three workers with it, snapped one's neck, slapped two others and finally kicked her father in the stomach, making him lose his balance. The sight of their weak bodies made One want to take a picture of the best moment of her life so far, however the lack of a camera ruined that passing thought. Her head snapped back around at the sound of Three stumbling over the dead doctor's legs.

"Oops!" She laughed, grabbing Three's hand again, "Gotta go!"

With a flash of blinding white light, One was floating towards a portal, which was slowly sucking her in, but she couldn't feel Three's grip anymore.

"Go on without me, I'll escape eventually!" Three's voice echoed around the room.

She was now pinned to the floor after being pushed by Dr Brenner. Her new friend hesitated for a second, then closed her eyes in concentration. A pop sound was the last thing that anyone heard from Brenner's oldest daughter for the next couple of years. He screamed in frustration as her figure disappeared into the lilac swirl on the ceiling.

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