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"You a lesbo or something?"

★彡During PE, Charlotte was sitting glumly on a bench outside while the rest of her class ran in endless circles

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During PE, Charlotte was sitting glumly on a bench outside while the rest of her class ran in endless circles. She was really fast, Dr Brenner enjoyed training her to her limits, however Max was not in this class and all the girls in it were too fake for her taste and ignored her. Charlotte watched as a boy with a bowl cut walked out of the school doors towards his mother, both smiling. This was of course a happy sight, but it made Charlie sigh. She had never had much time with her mother, who was rude but not violent like her father. When the pair had driven away, she brought her attention to the girls in her class, staring at their pretty faces, imaging what it would be like to date them. None of those daydreams seemed to please her though, until Max's face drifted into it, replacing the random girl in her class she was dreaming of holding hands with. The two were laughing, and Max's head slowly moved towards hers, preparing for a kiss. This was when Charlotte knew that she was catching feelings ways too fast, but could not get Max off her mind.

"Oi, you!" A voice shouted, snapping her out of her fun dream.

Three girls with styled blonde hair and shorts towered over the startled girl, smirking with overly-glossy lips.

"Why are you just staring at us running, Brenner?" The one in the middle asked, raising and eyebrow,"You a lesbo or something?"

Lesbo. Lesbian. Charlotte always knew that she loved girls, ever since her obsession with Madonna and Whitney instead of Michael and AC/DC, and the writing inside of textbooks in the dark dimension introduced the word to her.

Despite knowing the consequences, Charlotte replied cockily "So what if I am, the reason it matters is about as nonexistent as your virginity and sense of humour, bitch."

She was angry that they used her sexuality as an insult, so it all just flowed out of her mouth uncontrollably. The trio gasped, as Charlotte mentally facepalmed.

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