Chap 4 "Legal Advice"

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Street's POV

I went to go pick up Kala from the address that Mitchi sent me. I rang the doorbell and Steve opened the door. "Hi. Uhm, Mitchi sent me this address to pick up Kala from," I replied. "I hope this is the right address."

"Oh, it is," Steve nodded. He let me in. "Kala, your dad's here."

"I'll have her down in a second," Mitchi replied.

"Okay," Steve looked at me. "I don't know what your intentions are with Kala, but if you break her little heart in any way, I'll hurt you." I looked at him. "I don't care if she is your daughter. I've watched that little girl grow the past year and I love her like my own. Just like I will her mom." Mitchi walked down with Kala. "Just watch her carefully."

"Yeah," Mitchi nodded. She handed me a backpack. "You're gonna need that."

"Wouldn't she be potty trained by now?" I asked.

"She is," Mitchi nodded. "That's just an extra day's worth of clothes and snacks for her." Steve handed me an envelope. "And that's a hundred and fifty dollars to feed her."

"There's no way she eats a hundred and fifty dollars worth of food," I pointed.

"Oh, she doesn't," Mitchi replied. "It's just how much I give to anyone who's watching Kala. Besides, you don't have to pull out of your own pocket to get her what she wants." I looked at Mitchi. "She's spoiled. Not because she chose to be, but because I want to show her that things she wants, people have to work for."

"But why are you giving me a day's worth of clothes?" I asked.

"You know how SWAT is," Mitchi replied. She squat down and fixed Kala's clothes. "You be good, okay? I don't wanna receive a phone call saying you've been causing trouble."

"I promise," Kala stated as she gave Mitchi a hug. "I love you, Mommy."

"I love you too, sweetheart," Mitchi smiled. "You guys go have fun."

"Let's go, Kala," I responded. I got her into the backseat and strapped her in. I got in the driver's seat and started driving. "Kala, I have to make one stop before we can do anything, okay?"

"Okay, Daddy," Kala replied, looking out the window.

"You know, you don't have to call me Daddy, right?" I asked as I pulled up to a lawyer's office. "You can call me Jim or Jimmy."

"But you're my daddy," Kala replied. "All my friends do that to their dads."

"Okay," I nodded. I understood that it's hard to explain everything to a kid. "Let's go inside and see one of Dad's friends." I got her out and we walked inside. "Hey, Cindy. I'm here to see Donny. Is he with a client?"

"Not that I know of. Up the stairs," Cindy pointed. "He shouldn't be busy."

"Thanks," I replied. We walked upstairs and inside Donny's office. "Hey Donny."

"Jim," Donny smiled. "Who's the kid?"

"I actually need your advice," I sighed. "Kala, here. Play with Daddy's phone." I handed her my phone and put earbuds in her ears. "Donny, this is my ---"

"Your daughter," Donny pointed. "Uhm, I didn't know you had a kid."

"That's why I'm here," I replied as I sat Kala down in a chair. I sat in the chair next to her. "I don't need advice from you as a friend, I need one from you as a lawyer."

"Okay," Donny sighed. "What can I help you with?"

"Can I fight for joint custody?" I asked.

"Are you on the birth certificate?" Donny asked.

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