Chap 2 "Another Case"

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Mitchi's POV

A couple days passed and things weren't the same between Street and I. My own dad had let me borrow one of the family cars. My phone rang, I looked at it. I picked up. "Hey, Hondo. What's up?" I asked. "I was going to see you at headquarters here soon."

"Can I see you?" Hondo asked.

"Yeah, where do you want me to meet you?" I asked.

"How about that coffee shop that you like so much?" Hondo asked.

"Okay, yeah," I nodded. "I'll see you there." I hung up. I took the car to the coffee shop and Hondo was standing outside. I got out and walked up to Hondo. "Hey, what's going on?"

"I want to see how you handle a case as my second," Hondo stated. I looked at him. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because you're angry," I replied. "What's wrong with Daryle?"

"He's stabled and out of surgery," Hondo sighed. "He's not well. Now a detective is on the case and they think Daryle was involved."

"What does that have to do with me?" I asked.

"I figured seeing a familiar face would help me," Hondo replied. I gave him a hug and I felt him squeeze me. "I knew you'd always know how to calm me down."

"Yeah, but I can't keep doing this," I stated as I let go of him. I made him look at me. "Whatever you are going to do, please be careful and don't do anything stupid, okay? Promise me, okay?"

"I promise," Hondo replied. His phone beeped and he looked at it. "You go, Mitchi. You guys got a case."

"Alright," I sighed. "You're not coming?" He nodded. I went back to headquarters and got geared up. We got into Black Betty and Luca was driving, as always. "Dad?"

"Patrol sent over an ID of our shooting suspect," Dad stated as he showed the picture. "Brad Thomas, he's got one prior. Threatened someone over a parking spot. Social media shows that he's a champion competitive shooter." Street kept looking at me. "He's got two guns registered to his name, a Glock 17 and a Remington 700. He was fired from his job at the diner two days ago."

"Whatever happened to dealing with rejection like a normal human being?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, right?" Tan asked. "Sinking a few beers, bitching to friends, wake up the next day with a hangover, hit the Help Wanted sections."

"I don't know about that, Tan," I nodded. "I know I wasn't like that. Well, not the drinking part and getting hungover."

"Okay, nobody can be like little Miss Perfect now," Tan nudged me.

"Street, why are you so quiet?" Luca asked. "This got anything to do with you not coming home last night?"

"Really? Somebody finally swiped right, give you a pity date?" Tan asked.

"No," Street sighed. "I..."

"Listen up! Patrol just completed a grid search of the restaurant," Dad replied. "No sign of Brad, he's in the wind. But his pay slips show that he's living in a boarding house in Santa Monica. So, Luca, let's head there."

"Yep," Luca nodded.

"We're treating him as an active shooter," Dad nodded. "Mitchi, if you're as good as your rep sheet from Five-O says you are, you're my second."

"Yes, sir," I smiled. We busted into his house. "Right side clear!"

"Left side clear!" Tan stated.

"Clear!" Chris stated. "He's not here."

"30 David to Command," Dad stated. "No sign of Brad Thomas. Does he have a family?"

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