Chapter 11

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"Talen? I'm afraid you're mistaken."

"No, it's you, but it can't be you. How is it you?"

"Yo-you're crazy."

"Maybe not. Didn't you say you had a sister?" Caroline chimed.

"I thought I might have."

Caroline smiled at the girl standing in front of them.

"Talen is your brother?"

"Yes, but he was taken from us."

"Near five years ago?"


Holding out her hand Caroline introduced herself to the girl.

"I'm Caroline."

"Irene Puller."

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

"A-and you," the girl said, not quite understanding who this girl was or why her brother didn't recognize her. "Talen, you have to come see mom."


"What's wrong with you?"

"It's a long story," Caroline explained. "Let's just go see your mother."

With a nod Irene started down the alleyway, Nova in hand. She made sure Caroline and Adrian were following before taking a series of twists and turns through the streets. They arrived at a small house off the street after a couple of minutes. It was single story wooden house that looked as though it was barely standing. She opened the door and yelled inside.

"Mom! Come out front!"

Rather than questioning the girl her mother walked down the hall from a back room. Caroline took Adrian's hand into her own as they waited.

"What is it Ire?" The older woman walked out the door and looked at her daughter, who nodded at the man that was with her. With a sigh the mother looked at the company her daughter had brought home. She stared at the male before her, recognizing him instantly but not believing what she saw. Her hands went over her mouth as she whispered the same name her daughter had used for the man.


"I don't know who you are."

"What's happened to you Talen?" Her lower lip started to quiver and tears spilled from her eyes.

"We'd love to explain Mrs. Puller. May we come inside?"

"Who is this Talen?"

"Caroline," his mistress spoke.

"Why don't you both come inside," Irene said motioning for the door before she took hold of her mother and led the woman into the small home. While the outside was small and older the inside was comfortable and well furnished, especially for the area it was in. Clearly Mrs. Puller had put a fair amount of time into her home. Irene led them into a living room that was furnished with a couch armchair and a television. Irene led her mother to the armchair and sat on the edge. Caroline tangled her fingers with Adrian's and pulled him to sit on the couch.

Mrs. Puller wiped the tears from under her eyes and stared at her son, wanting nothing more than to hold him in her arms. Caroline smiled at the woman sitting in front of her.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions, and I'd like to try and answer them."

"What can he not speak for himself anymore?"

Caroline felt Adrian's muscles contract under her hand.

"I can speak, but I don't know you people," with this comment Mrs. Puller began to cry again.

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