Chapter 13

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As often is with families, the bond they share can withstand the test of time. As with the Puller family it did not take long before they were conversing as they had five years previously when the family had last been together. In the fragile world they lived in families learned to make the most of the often short periods of time they had together.

With Adrian home and a Seban in their back room Lester and Kiah quickly questioned their son on his state of health and answered all of his questions about his old life. Most of his friends were still in Ceria, a couple had ended up in Seba in the years following Adrian's selection.

It was about an hour before Caroline was off of the phone with her own family. Once her phone died she waited in the guest room for a while longer to give Adrian more time but when it started to get dark she emerged. She found her trusted companion laughing with his sister at something his father has said. Caroline gently placed her hand on his shoulder and leaned down to place her head upon it.

"It's getting dark."

"We should go then. it was fantastic catching up with you all, hopefully I'll be able to see you again while I'm in the country."

"You're not staying here?" Kiah questioned, her voice wavering as she realized what her son was saying.

"No, we have a hotel out on the coast. We're going to stay there."

"Come for dinner son," Lester said as he stood up. Adrian did the same and shook hands briefly with his father before his entire family enveloped him in a hug. He stayed with them for a moment before breaking away and waiting for Caroline.

She took his hand into hers and waved to the family she had briefly come to know. Adrian led the way out of the house and continued on his way down the street. The small shops around them bustled with nighttime activity.

A smile crossed Caroline's face. She had never experienced anything quite like what was happening now. Seba was a country of high classed aristocrats. It would never do to have noise the way Ceria had it.

Adrian moved quickly down the walk but Caroline dragged her feet and made him stop.

"Are you okay?" He turned to her with his eyebrows furrowed in worry.

"Yes, let's just take our time. This is beautiful."

"I didn't think you'd enjoy it. It's nothing like Seba."

"Exactly. It's different."

Adrian grinned and walked now beside her rather than before her.

"May I show you something?"


He led her closer to the still waters of the channel where a boardwalk fair was set up.

"What is it?"

"You've never seen anything like it, but I've had great fun here. There are games over there, rides there, food, everything you need for a good time, but we will need 5 or 10 Sebs."

Caroline loosened her grip and Adrian immediately released her hand. She reached into her pocket and handed him the money he has asked for and started towards the fair. He walked close to her. He lifted his right arm, wanting to put it around her shoulder but at the last moment he remembered his place. Despite what his life may have been before he was not a free man. This girl was his mistress, he was her property. He put his arm down and clutched it with his left hand.

How could he be so stupid? He hadn't done anything in years to merit punishment but he was growing far too sloppy. He could not count on two hands the number of times he had improperly addressed her in the past day. And for what reason?

He was embarrassed.

Now that he had all of his memories back he knew how his family remembered him. It was not as a docile, compliant slave, but as a spirited, fierce young man. For them to see him so broken, it was embarrassing.

His cheeks flushed as he was conflicted between his desires and what he knew were his duties defined by his status. Caroline had paid money for him, he belonged to her, yet he blatantly withheld what was hers.

They reached the ticket booth and Adrian paid the 10 Sebs to get them all access passes to the fair for the rest of the evening, including games and food. Most of Ceria could not afford even this small luxury.

They entered and Adrian fell behind his mistress.

"Hey, what are you doing? I don't know where I'm going?"

"Would my mistress like me to show her?"

Caroline stopped and stepped up to Adrian. She put her hands in his hair on either side of his face.

"Tonight pet, I'm all yours."

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