Chapter Fifteen: Day Two

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Nate spent the entire night watching Sophie. He couldn't get his mind to quiet down enough for him to fall asleep. The same thoughts were dancing around his mind. Why Sophie? Why had Jordan picked her? How was Sophie feeling about him? Did she want the mate-bond or did she want to reject him? He couldn't stop thinking about the fact that his mate was pregnant with his sister's ex-husbands baby. This baby would be his niece's half brother or sister.  

Sophie woke up just after 7. She smiled when she saw Nate looking at her. Then she gasped and held her stomach. Nate raced to her side. 

"What's wrong?" 

Sophie smiled at him and placed her hand on his cheek. 

"Nothing. The baby just booted me. I think the baby will be a football player with the amount of kicks I'm getting." 

"Soph, I was thinking we should go see a doctor. For the pregnancy I mean."

Sophie nodded and agreed. 

"Nate I know yesterday was a little crazy but I think we should talk about our bond." 

Nate's heart jumped into his throat and he knew what was coming. 

"Nate, I grew up waiting for my mate. I pictured what he would be like, what sort of person he was and I was always worried that I would never find my mate. Then after being in that cave for so long, I had given up on the idea of finding a mate. Then you came in, in the most unexpected way and I want you to know, I'll happily accept this mate-bond, but you need to understand that I want this baby. This baby will have a happier life filled with love and joy. So if you accept me, you'll be accepting my baby as well."

Nate thought his heart was going to explode with happiness. 

"Sophie, I will treat this baby as if it is my own. I couldn't be more proud to raise your baby with you." Nate walked over to Sophie and kissed her. They both felt sparks from the second their lips touched. 

Sophie pulled away first and grinned at Nate. Sophie jumped when the door was flung open, Lacey flung the door open and ran into Nate's lap. 

"Mummy wanted me to come got you for breakfast."

 Lacey jumped from Nate and ran to Sophie. 

"Hi, I'm Lacey, we met yesterday but you were sleeping so you wouldn't remember me."

Lacey stared at Sophie with her big eyes. 

"Hi Lacey, I'm Sophie."

"Sophie can you come have breakfast with me? I can show you the princess castle."

Sophie laughed at Lacey and hoped out of bed. Lacey grabbed Sophie and Nate's hands and she skipped down the hallway. Sophie attempted to keep up but ended up waddling behind then two of them. 

In the kitchen, Hazel was brushing Darcy's hair, which Darcy was making more difficult by squirming and moving in her chair. Harry was reading a grimoire and Liam was eating a piece of bacon. Hazel looked up from Darcy's hair which she finally managed to tame and smiled at Sophie. 

"How are you feeling today, Sophie?" 

"Better, thank you all for your help yesterday. I don't know what I would've done without you." 

"Mummy!" Lacey ran into Grace's arms and caught her with amazing reflects. 

Once breakfast was over. Hazel offered Sophie some of her maternity clothes and they left for the doctor. The doctor put the blue gel on Sophie's stomach who stiffed when it came into contact with her skin. 

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