“Mistress I am not your equal.”

“If you were, what would you say?”

“I would say that I’ve had the most amazing five years with you and,” he looked down at the couch, not finding it in himself to look her in the eye as he continued. “I want nothing more than to hear you say the same. Perhaps more."

"What more?"

"I've always been jealous of the men you've been with, I would ask if I could be one of them. But please mistress don't punish me for saying these things. I understand I am not worthy."

“What would you do if I said yes?”

His head popped up at her reply.

“Why would you do that?”

“In the five years that I’ve known you none of the men I’ve seen have compared, you set a standard that nobody else can live up to.  I fell for you a long time ago, but I couldn’t do anything without knowing how you felt first.”

"Mistress I am a pet, an object to please you, you don't need to consider my feelings."

"You really believe that Adrian?"

"It is the truth."

The two sat in silence, each waiting for the other to say something more, finally Caroline spoke.

“You know we do have to go back to the palace today.”


“Soon.  Do you want to shower?”

“I should.”

“Go then.”

Caroline took off Adrian’s collar and cuffs; leaving him to walk into the bathroom while she ate the breakfast he had brought her.  The fruit and oatmeal was long gone when he emerged again, Caroline looked warily over at him.

“We should go.”

“Aren’t you forgetting something?”

Caroline stopped in her tracks, suddenly remembering that she had forgotten to replace his collar and cuffs.  Breathing an 'oops' she returned to the room and put them back on in the same manner she did most mornings, her sitting on the couch and him kneeling before her.  After buckling the cuffs onto his wrists and the collar to his neck she stood, considering helping him off the floor, but knowing he would not accept left him to stand on his own. They made their way to the car and drove to the palace in silence.

“Adrian while we’re here there’s nothing I can do to protect you should the need arise.  These people are all in high stations and I can refuse them nothing.  Just stick close to me and try not to attract any attention, I couldn’t stand something happening to you.”

“Okay,” came his reply.  Caroline moved to get out of the car and began to walk down the long path to the castle.  Adrian followed her to the large oak doors leading into the royal family’s house. This time upon being announced in the king’s personal office they found him accompanied by a tall woman, likely a head taller than himself when inches were not added to his height by the crown atop his head,

She was dressed in a royal blue gown than clung to her sickly thin frame; a deep purple cloak was draped across her shoulders.  Her long blonde hair hung in perfect ringlets down her back and was topped with a crown fitting to her position as the queen of Seba.

Both turned to the door from the papers they had been bent over as the slave’s voice made Caroline’s presence noticed.

“Ah-Miss Tonik, so glad you could make it.  My wife, the queen, wishes to discuss locations with you.

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