Chapter 6: A Plan in Motion - Part 2

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As soon as the cheering began, it stopped. Everyone's focus was no aimed toward Rebekah and Stiles was now standing at Klaus's side.

"Yes, he is my brother, and I have loved him through the ages. But no one has felt the blunt end of his ire more than I. He claims that his actions are in defense of his family, but he lies!"

Stiles could tell that it wasn't just the hex at best. It was her own thoughts. Klaus started to interject on how foolish Rebekah was and how her statement simply didn't count.

"Rebekah, you're not well. The curse has poisoned your mind."

"Let her speak!"

Marcel boomed from across the room. Of course he wasn't going to let this go. They were a fling after all.

"Yes, Nik. I would like to speak. Although, when I speak out of turn, I often end up with a dagger in my chest. You see, my brother, he cannot handle the brutal truth that he destroys everything he touches."

"Rebekah, that is enough!"

Stiles had enough with all of this talk. He would defend his family if it was the last thing for him to do. Yes, Rebekah was his family but Stiles needed to defend his brother half. They were always close and even though their friendship was hanging on by a thread, there was still a part of him that cared.

"Stiles," Marcel stood up from his throne, "I believe it wasn't your time to speak and since you spoke out of turn, I believe that you may need to be punished."

Stiles only glared and bared his fangs which also showed the blood red eyes that he cared with black veins. However, Stiles didn't exactly get anyway as he was suddenly thrown behind Klaus. He slammed into the pillar and slowly got up. Marcel stood in front of him and took his hand. He bared his fangs and bit right into it. Stiles let out a scream of pain and held his hand close to him. He was panting and Marcel wipes his face.

"Punished to the death."

Klaus growled and went to get off the stand when Stiles held his hand out to him. The one that wasn't injured. He shook his head and shut his eyes letting out a slight gasp.

"See! He is okay! All is good in Stiles's world! Your lucky I didn't bit him on the neck like I did your other brother. He should die slower and less painfully. Your welcome!"

Marcel made his way back to his thrown. Stiles slowly hobbled over toward Klaus again and felt himself start to sweat profusely.

"Now, you can speak once again Rebekah. This time without any interruptions."

Rebekah was feeling guilty to what happened to Stiles. She didn't mean for that to happen but she still had to go along with her plan.

"You murdered our mother. And both of your fathers. You dagger your siblings and leave us in coffins for decades! You break our hearts, you forbid us from finding love, all because you can't find any love of your own. I am envious of all of you. You have broken free from him. But I have had no such relief. Chained to him not because of a sire link, but because of a foolish pact that we made to each other when we were nothing more than children. What if he could suffer the way I have? The way that we all have!"

Marcel stood up and clapped his hands together.

"Well... I think we've heard enough. Have you come to a decision?"

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