Chapter 28: Memories

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The Abattoir

Stiles and the rest of his family couldn't believe what had happened to them. Nobody could find what to say in this moment. The inevitable truth whether their brother is or isn't alive. Stiles could feel the pain that Elijah was going through in that moment. He wouldn't have doubted it if his brother, one of the longest living vampires, was dead.

"This isn't happening. Tell me Elijah's in there." Hayley was looking for answers. She took glances between Freya and Stiles in search of some sort of confirmation when in truth, neither of them truly knew.

"I can't tell yet. I've been reaching out but...''said Freya. Her voice had trailed off not knowing what she could say to make things better.

"Hayley," Hayley glanced toward Stiles with hopeful eyes, "It's practically impossible to tell. I'm sorry."

"You guys are just exhausted. Just take some time to gather yourselves. You will find him." Stiles let out a sigh. He knew how Hayley was feeling, truly he was, but it wasn't that simple. At this, Klaus started to get angry.

"We've wasted enough time!" Klaus glared at both the witches in the room, "My brother's soul is in that pendant. We need to find him and bring him back."

Stiles couldn't help but feel guilty. Elijah was his brother too and that went to Freya too. "Klaus, just give them a moment." Hayley tried to stick up for them.

"We failed him once already!" Stiles could feel himself growing angry. He could also feel the looming sadness over Freya's head.

"Klaus, that's enough!"

"There's just....nothing. There's nothing there. I think...I think he's gone." Stiles looked at Freya with wide eyes. He didn't want to admit it himself. Is their brother really gone?

"Try again." Klaus was growing impatient. Angry. Upset.

"Klaus, I did try. Me and Stiles both did."

"I am asking you. Both of you. To try again. I know he's in there."


"Try again!"

"Klaus enough! I don't want to think about it either! It's not like I wanted this to happen. It's hard to loose someone you love." Klaus's face fell. "It's about time to accept that maybe...maybe we were too late." Stiles felt his eyes start to burn and he held it in. He couldn't break. Not now,

Freya held the pendant softly chanting a spell in fetal attempts to find their brother's soul. "I just need some time."

"This is not happening. For a thousand years, my brother and I have walked this Earth. Countless times, death has come for us and countless times, we've denied her. He's not gone! He can't be." Stiles couldn't help flashing back to his love. Those are the exact thoughts that he had. The doubt that she was actually dead. The doubts that his brother would do something like that.

"What is that?"

Everyone's heads turned toward the soft voice that suddenly entered the room. It was only then did everyone notice that they were all crying. Stiles only came to that conclusion after hearing Freya's soft sniffles and the tearing tracking down Klaus and Hayley's face. As Hope had walked in, everyone tried to clear their tears.

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