Chapter 30: Mindful Adventures

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~Elijah's Subconscious~

Stiles finds himself in a long corridor with doors surrounding either side. It was completely white. Not a single ounce of color. He stepped forward cautiously to try and get a sense of where he was. He knew he was in Elijah's mind but he never expected anything to look like this. He heard some strange noises coming from down the hall that sounded like his brother.

"Niklaus, do not make another move. I gave my word."

Niklaus? He was here too? Stiles rushed to door then stopped. Oh. Right. He was in a memory. He slapped himself in the face and shook his head back and forth. He entered the door as it changed to a church-like setting. He didn't remember this. This must have been before he came to New Orleans. He saw Elijah talking to Klaus with Klaus's hand around a woman's throat.

"You tend to give your word at the most inopportune times, brother. We've been doing things your way. Come on, just one little snap and it's toodle-oo Agnes."

"Leave her."

Stiles watched on as Klaus backed off and Elijah sped back and forth across the room pulling the hearts out of the bystanders that he failed to take notice of. What was his brother doing? The woman watched on in horror at what Elijah had done. It was almost like she knew she had to get away but couldn't force herself to move. Elijah then sped forward and got a grip on her throat. Stiles couldn't help but continue watching and waiting for his brother's next move.

"Nobody touches my family and lives," said Elijah. Elijah takes a turn and snaps her neck in a second. Stiles jumps slightly.  "No one." Stiles felt this was the right time to try and get to his brother. Maybe knock some sense into him to get him to realize that he was there with him.

"Elijah," said Stiles hesitantly. Elijah started to make his way toward him giving Stiles some hope. "Elijah." He started to give a slight smile until Elijah disappeared from his sight. Stiles looked in the place of memory Elijah and sighed. He turned around to leave until suddenly he was back in the hallway and the door automatically shut behind him.

Stiles looked around debating where he should go next in order to get some sort of luck. That was, until he heard screaming and yelling. Stiles moved toward the sound and came across an identical white door that had the noise projecting from behind it. Stiles huffed as he grabbed the door handle and opened the door. He stepped through to find his brother yelling and attacking others that he didn't recognize. He was consistently hitting them with what seemed to be wooden sticks.

"Oh Elijah." Stiles whispered under his breath. He moved around the wall to get a better view. He flinched slightly as a person was thrown his way due to Elijah hitting him with a metal pole. Stiles looked at Elijah with worry. Elijah seemed to lock eyes with him but it was as if he didn't even exist. Stiles felt a familiar feeling go through his mind as he tried to gulp it down. Elijah seemed to glance at him again until he disappeared once again. What was Stiles getting himself into? The best thing to do was to keep looking.

Once again, Stiles was in the white hallways with everything looking the same as before. He really needed a change of scenery. And a hot dog. He started to notice the embolisms that were attached to the doors. One that he passed had a cross on it while another had a number. He stopped at a door that had the letter 'm' on it. That could only mean one thing. Mikaelson. He stood by the door and heard laughing. He walked through the door to an archaic looking scene. As he got closer, he heard Kol, Rebekah, and Klaus.

"You liar. You swine." said Kol as he threw food across the room at his brother. They chuckled as they sat around the dining table. Klaus had a lady on his arm that he was drinking out of that slumped to the side as Rebekah walked through the room with a bottle of wine in her hand.

"Well, it certainly took me a long time, but I finally found it."

"No, no, no," Klaus protested as he stood up. "That Bordeaux was a gift from the Duke of Burgundy."

"Yes, a very lovely gift, intended to be shared on a special occasion," said Rebekah. She opened the wine and poured the wine into the glasses in front of her siblings.

"Perhaps, say, a family dinner that did not end with one of us getting daggered." Kol stated as he raised his glass to his sister.

"Indeed, indeed, It's more than worth the indulgence. Yes, to my beloved siblings. Together beneath one roof for the first time in centuries, with neither an argument nor a grievance to be found." Elijah chuckled.

"Cheers, Cheers to that!" Everyone shouted as they raised their glasses and took a drink. Stiles frowned at the interaction. He wishes he was there for moments like this. He knew he had to stick to the task at hand.

"Elijah" said Stiles as he took a step forward.

"Oh, that is lovely." Rebekah said as she threw her head back in pleasure.

"It's me." he said to try and get his brother's attention. He was desperately waiting for his brother to notice that he existed. He watched as Elijah turned his head toward him as if his words finally went through.

"As was the Duke of Burgundy." Klaus murmured in the background.

"Elijah." Stiles said once again. Elijah was now looking around as if trying to find the owner to the mysterious voice he was hearing. Finally, they met eyes. Could Elijah finally see him? Stiles scrunched his eyebrows in worry and confusion. Suddenly, he heard a glass fall and his vision started to fade.

Stiles woke with a gasp. He sat up from his position looking around him. He was back in the real world and laying in the circle for the spell. He couldn't catch his breath as he let out pants. He reached his hand toward his heart until he noticed that Hayley was kneeling next to him. Her hand rested on his shoulder. "Stiles, what's wrong?"

"I thought I found him," Stiles spoke in between breaths, "but he just vanished right in front of me. That's not our only problem. I can't search Elijah's mind and sustain a spell at the same time."

"What if you sent me in?"

"That would require more power. I could always ask Freya but even she wouldn't be enough."

"You stay here with Freya and anchor the spell. He'll respond to me. Send me in, Stiles. I can find him. Nobody's closer to Elijah than I am."

Stiles glanced at her considering the idea. Then he came to a realization that Hayley wouldn't exactly be proud of.

"We need the power of another witch to place you into the pendant. A powerful one." He glanced up at her, "Born of my family's bloodline."

Hayley's eyes widened as she realized what you were talking about. "Hope. No. She's too young for this." Stiles grabbed her shoulders to help calm her down and to stabilize himself from the amount of power he used. "She's young, but she's strong. Stronger than...well she couldn't be stronger than me but for a normal witch, she is strong. Hayley, I would never hurt my niece, ever. I love her too much for that."

Hayley took a look into his eyes. She closed her eyes for a second and then opened them. She nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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