Chapter 1: The Hunt

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"Minnesota, the pinnacle of wendigo siting's and lore due to its harsh winters and over abundance of abandoned mines. Also home to yours truly Y/N Singer, yup the daughter of bobby singer himself! Jeez that gets annoying 'Aint you bobby's kid?' is all anyone says to me. its been three years since I have seen dad... Im the only hunter working full time up here. wendigos being my specialty of course! I also mainly focus on research when I'm not on a hunt."

As I was writing in my book I hear my home phone go off. " You have reached a singer residence, how can I assist you with your hunting needs?" I say slightly making fun of my dad.

" Hey Y/n its..." , " Dean F'ing Winchester" I smile to myself after saying him name before he could

" haha i see your still trying to do your stupid ' trying to be dad' shtick" dean states with the smallest bit of cockiness in his voice.

" yeah only difference is I actually get paid for it dean." I reply back matching his level of cockiness. " That a girl!" dean says " anyway on my way up to the area, still got that spare room?" he asked with a sweet tone that he got from his father.

" sure thing D, get up here in an hour or you pay $30 a night." I say with a chuckle. Then I see car lights shinning through the window and a stack of books and sigh to myself.

" well guess we stay free." he stats before hanging up.

" We?" I say to myself quietly.

Knowing dean he will just let himself in so I want into the kitchen for a cup of hot cocoa. I never liked the taste of coffee so i don't  let it in the house. it is pretty cold outside plus snowing today. Sitting back down in the living room to finish my research and set up my handbook the door flies open.

"Honey Im home!" dean joked out loud and in the same second I say " Shut up dean." But I wasn't the only one to say it. Looking up from my book on banshees I let out a small gasp and see the one and only Samuel Winchester.

"Sam!" I shouted as I got up and ran over to the tallest brother hugging him.

  " Hey Y/n, long time no see." he said looking away blushing.

"huh? what's wrong?" I asked while very confused looking at both brothers. Dean looking at my butt.

" Listen here pervs! we grew up together both of you have known me since i was 7 okay. That's just under 20 years okay! Don't get gross now just because im a woman and don't wear pants in my own damn house!" Sam looked at me after i finished my mild rant and just cleared his throat and began to speak. "your right im really sorry." he said while looking at dean to say the same thing.

" yeah..sorry Y/n/n" dean says looking at the ground obviously embarrassed of what he did.

"Any way, what are you boys here for?" I ask slightly annoyed with the brothers.

"wendigo sightings have been crazy up here this winter" dean says with all seriousness.

" oh I know trust me." I state with a giant smirk on my face.

" well boys you came to the right place let me but some pants on its super cold in my basement." I say as I walk upstairs to my room. I reach into my dresser and grab the pair of pj pants that Sam left at bobby's years ago. they wouldn't fit him anymore he's far to big for them now. I  smile and slid them on then walk back downstairs.

" alright boys lets get going down the hall to the right first door on your left" I stated and watch dean walk away but notice Sam looking at me with this look. its hard for me to describe but I feel like im falling for him just from this starring contest we are having. i feel butterflies in my stomach as he gives his famous half smile and then follows his brother into my basement.

Walking into the basement with this thought in my head I step down and see dean over at the weapons and Sam already reading the research books. I smile softly because it reminds me of when Sam and I would help dad and John with their research before a hunt when we here little.

" holy.... Y/n this is amazing!" Dean states like a kid in a candy store

." yeah its a good thing we came to you for this Y/n" Sam says looking at me with his smile and I return it. "lets get to research boys! you have a lot to learn."

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