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Chapter 29 |

S A V A Y | S U A R E Z

"Damn that's crazy. That's why everybody hates 12, always blaming the innocent." One said

I nodded as I told everyone my bullshit story. I'll be damned if one of they ass snitches on me if I told them what really went down. All they ass want to do is get time off their sentencing, no matter what it takes.

Which, I understand because I would do the same. Especially now since I have people who actually care and love me.

I called Orlando as I waited for it to go through, "Yes baby?"

"Hey, I was making sure you were still coming today?"

He chuckled, "Babe. You don't have to call every four hours. I'm coming, I've been sitting in this courtroom since 9 this morning for your case just so I wouldn't miss it if they changed it. I'm the one who's waiting on you."

I swayed back and forth as I twirled my fingers on the wire thinking about hugging him tightly when I got out... if I do.

"Has my dad called?"

"No, I called 13 times and left 4 voicemails and 2 text messages. He hasn't responded. I feel like a girlfriend who's trying to hunt her man down who hasn't answer none of her calls."

We both shared a laugh as I felt a sharp pain in my heart knowing my father didn't care about me being in jail, or not evening checking up on me.

But that's what I get for even thinking he would actually want to be my father... even after what he put my family through.

"Hey babe, don't be upset. Just be glad that you have some sort of support. Even if it's not your father, at least it's someone in your family then no one at all. Never look at the negative things of these moments... cherish them."

Tears ran down my face as I turned the wall so no one would see me cry.

"1 minute remaining"

"I'll see you later here okay. I love you ma."

"I love you more pa," I whispered. I felt a bit bummed knowing that our calls had to come to an end. We talked every day for 30 minutes since I've been here. I sometimes forget where I'm at.

I just pray everything goes right in my favor. I came so far, I got the justice my family deserved... no way my story ends here.

"Case 291638. The court verses Savay Suarez."

I walked in as I felt my heart beating 2,000 miles per second. I stepped next to my lawyer as I stood up holding my head high.

"Ms. Suarez, your here for two counts of murder. How do you plead?"

"Not guilty, your honor."

The prosecutor cleared her throat, "Your honor. Ms.Suarez has a serious anger problem along with needing a therapist for that. Officer Clark said so himself. The same officer went to arrest her."

My lawyer laughed, "This is ridiculous. Those pills were for her nightmares. Dr.Ridge prescribe her to, who I have here to vouch for that. And are we talking about the same officer who dragged my client out the back of a cop car saying the words quote, "I'm going to kill her," with his hands wrapped around her neck?"

The judge pulled off his glasses, "Is that true, Ms.Phillips?"

The prosecutor smiled softly, "Yes-

"Then why are we even here? I can drop these charges right now if I wanted to. Ms.Suarez, will you like to press charges against Mr.Clark?" He said looking towards me.

I cleared my throat, "No your honor, I understand that everything was in the heat of the moment. But I would like to have a restraining order against him."

"I like how you play ball young Savay. Will you like to say anything to the jury before recess begins and they make their decision?"

I nodded making sure I faced them, "When I was 18, my family was murdered in front of me along with me being shot and sliced on my hand with a knife. Yet, here I am. I'm a survivor. I've been alone since then, and this isn't for your pity, but for your understanding. I know how it feels to have someone you love taken from you with no remorse with no justice to that matter. I would be disgusted with myself if I would have ever done the same to someone when I know the feeling. I hope you all make a good decision and I feel bad for Dr.Conners and Officer Kimble's family."

I smiled deviously as I knew I would be free after that speak. Orlando winked at me as Tony laughed quietly.

"Thank you Ms.Suarez. 30-minute recess." He rises from the chair as everyone scattered from their seats headed out the door as the jury went into the back room.

Everyone surrounded me asking me what's been going on as they laughed at stories that I felt disgusted by.

"That shit nasty, Imagine you sleep and wake up to motherfuckers bumping coochie in the next cell." A wet substance came across Gina's and I face as we screamed ew. Tony covered his mouth as pop spilled out

"I'm so sorry, I didn't expect that sentence to leave your mouth."

We all stopped as the jury came back in and the judge sat back down, "The recess has ended and nowhere for the charges against Ms.Suarez. The jury, on two counts of murder against Ms.Suarez, how do you plead?"

I didn't realize how fast the time passed as Orlando gave me a kiss saying how much he loved me and never would stop. That's the part that scared me the most.

"We plead the defendant... not guilty."

My arms wrapped my lawyer as she smiled, "You're truly welcome."

God came into my favor again... as always

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