"Not exactly "

"Anyway have you been to the doctor lately ?"


"Because I think you are lacking some vitamin 'Me' "

"Seriously Marvin, that was bad ,
but you can give it another shot"

"I would love to but first you need to forget about spiderman , batman "

"Um why so?"

"Because I will be your man"

"Damn . So what's gotten into you ?"

"It's just that I'm missing you"

"So we'll be meeting after a week
or so"

"I know but "

I couldn't hear what is said after that because my phone was snatched from my hand .

"Hello" Ro says

"Hello , I can't hear you .
Don't call me back . Unfortunately I'll see you soon "
Ro continues then ends the call .

He returns my phone back while
I just give him the look stating,

' What the hell do you think
you're doing?! '

To which , he just replies ,
"Your dad's order " and walks back into the kitchen as if he did not just do that .

What a lovely person!

I don't know what was more sarcastic, the fact that I called him lovely or
the fact that I called him a person !

I quickly texted Marvin that I am sorry and it was just my friend who loves to annoy the hell out of me !

Just as I enter the kitchen ,
I find that the elders are in the living room .

Riley and Ro are talking to someone on the video call .

Just as I past them , I hear ,
"What's Isabella doing there ?"

I turn sideways ,
only to see Jessica's face ,
I grab Ro's phone and smirk at him .

"What the hell are you doing with
Ro's family ?" she says

"I'd give you a nasty look but I see
you already got one "

"What did you just say !"

"Sorry can't hear you " I pout and
end the call .

Riley , Daisy looks confused ,
while Ro continues to glare at me !

"Advice of the day :
Don't you mess with me " I smirk .


" So choose Royal or Marvin?"

"Day , do you even have to ask ?"

"I know , but you picked Marvin's call so hurriedly and then you were giggling while talking to him ,
what was that ?"

"Well , let's just say he's very bad at flirting "

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