chapter twenty-eight. as good as strangers

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"don't cut me out of your life"


Andi sat on the rooftop, wringing her hands together as she stared at the once white, now bloodstained pair of converse on her feet. Saya stood a few feet away at the edge of the roof, desperately clinging to the bottle of booze the two had swiped on the way up.

After the fight in the restaurant was over and the adrenaline finally started to leave Andi's system, the blonde became all too aware of her injuries. Her leg was sliced at the calf, dripping blood down her leg and making it difficult to walk without a limp, although she managed. Her head throbbed from when the Kurokis knocked her unconscious. She was sure she had at least a minor concussion, which only upset her more because it meant that she would have to stay awake longer when all her body craved was rest.

In fact, drinking alcohol was a big no-no too. Fuck it. She had been through some shit tonight.

She was thankful that she did not wear any of her favorite clothes since everything she had on was going in the trash as soon as the opportunity arose. Saya had pushed her to go to the infirmary originally, but the blonde girl refused.

Viktor and Petra needed the full attention of the school's medical staff. She could wait.

Saya passed the bottle to Andi who took a long swig before handing it back. She was more than willing to numb her pain with alcohol for the time being, although she was careful not to drink too much because Saya definitely needed it more.

Their silence was interrupted as Marcus greeted them.

"Hey," he said, walking closer to the two with his hands stuffed in his pockets. "You don't have to talk about it."

"Good," Saya answered shortly while Andi held back her smart remark. That's kind of why they weren't talking, she thought. However, she was tired and being a bitch took more effort than she could muster.

"But," Marcus started again, taking a seat next to the blonde girl. He sighed, "Today was crazy fucked up. So if you did want to..."

Saya twisted the bottle in her hand, her words slurred. Although, Andi could not quite tell if it was from the booze or the tears the dark-haired girl was choking back. "I was just thinking about what a dick my cousin was." Andi gave a fond smile and let out a light chuckle while Marcus looked on confused. Saya stepped back from the ledge and continued. "Sparred with him my whole life. He was two feet taller than me and never went easy."

"Here," Marcus muttered, holding out his hand for the bottle. Saya relented, handing him the half-full bottle. "Not really a fair fight."

"The humiliation was supposed to make me better," Saya replied.

"Did it?" he asked as he took a sip.

Saya sighed, "Yeah."

The Kuroki girl sat down on Andi's other side as the blonde spoke up for the first time. "The unfair fights are the ones you learn the most from, the ones that stick with you."

𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄 | marcus arguelloWhere stories live. Discover now