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"And the Mind Flayer now knows that she's the only thing that can stop him. Maybe, by taking away Em's powers, he feels like he has the upper hand. Emmie was helping El, but now he thinks he is more powerful by taking away her magic. Em can't help El, the Mind Flayer thinks he will win." Mike explains, "But, now, if Eleven is out of the way-"

"Game over." Lucas cuts him off.

"He also said," Eleven quietly speaks, "He was gonna kill all of you."

The whole room seems to shudder, staying silent until Max speaks up, "Yeah, well, that's nice."

"He said that to me to," I speak up, "Billy isn't in there anymore. Not my Billy, anyways."

Nancy then pushes herself off of the wall she was leaning on, staring up at the ceiling as she slowly walks forward.

"Hey, Nance, you alright?" I ask, setting the cup down.

"Do you guys hear that?" She mumbles.

Rumbling was heard outside, and El sat up in her seat.

"It's just the fireworks." Jonathan dismisses any of his girlfriends negative thoughts.

"Billy..." Nancy turns around, "When he told you this, it was here, in this room?"

El and I both nod.

Everyone was freaked out, looking around the cabin while thunder sounded outside.

"He knows we're here." Will realizes as he puts a hand to the back of his neck, trying to settle his hair that was standing on end.

Everyone stands up, and Max helps me catch up to them, as I was still low on energy. Jonathan whipped open the door, all of us following closely behind.

We stood in our spot, staring. In the distance, fireworks were going off. But, that's not what we were looking at. No, we were looking at the large creature that was ripping away the trees, and it was headed straight towards us.

"Guys....guys, get the fuck inside." I order, lightly pushing the kids to the door, "Now. Right now."

Nancy and Jonathan went to the backyard, grabbing weapons from the shed. I was with the kids, helping them board up Hopper's small cabin.

Nancy and Jonathan walk in, and Nance tosses me a golf club. Not the most useful weapon, but it will have to work.

We finish boarding up the house as Nance and I gather in the middle, Nancy shouting, "Hey, get away from the windows."

The kids obey, forming a circle with us, along with Jonathan. We all slowly stepped, as if we were creating a small whirlpool.

The room was silent, except for a light that was squeaking, and our heavy breathing.

Outside, there was a creak, and then it felt like there was an earthquake. The whole room began to chatter, plates were clanking together, lights were crackling and blinking, and the room rumbled.

"It's close." Will told us.

Snapping of branches and trees came from outside, and immediately my head snapped towards it. It was happening almost right outside the cabin window. The house shook, and objects were falling.

"Where'd it go?" Max asks when the loud thud's had stopped.

As if on cue, a tendril shot into the house, and all of us ran to the side. I, being still weak, almost tripped, but luckily Jonathan helped me up before sprinting to the kids, where the screeching arm was, and threw his axe into it.

He had gotten two hits in before the monster fought back, throwing Jonathan at the wall.

Nancy stepped in, shooting the creature multiple times, but it didn't look like it had much affect. Something happened to the gun, maybe it had gotten jammed, ran out of bullets, who knows-I don't-, but the creature was definitely mad.

As it drew closer to Nance, I jabbed the golf club into the arm, and it let out a horrible sound. It turned towards me, it's mouth open, ready to bite my head off.

I was not prepared, I was leaning against a shelf, the club in one hand and my other propping myself up.

It was now almost right in front of me. With all my might, I gripped the club, hitting the slimy arm as hard as I could.

Sadly, the bar on the club bent, and I face planted onto the ground.

It ripped the club from my grasp, opening its mouth, rows of sharp teeth poking out.

I squeeze my eyes shut, getting ready for the worst. But, nothing happened.

My eyes opened, and I found El who was holding the shaking arm back with her powers. She bent her arm down, and the mouth part split off from the arm, screeching as it crawled away.

The arm recoiled, slithering back to the outside world through the hole it came from, nearly hitting Max in the process, "Holy shit."

Immediately after she said that another one of the arm shrieks as smashes through the wall of the house, but El caught it once again.

Again, another arm crashes through the window, but El catches it with her magic.

She was panting as she looked back and fourth between the tendrils, before ripping off the tips like she did the other.

I could feel blood running down my forehead and nose, probably from the nasty fall I took head first.

I touch it, looking down to my fingers to see i was definitely blood dripping from my nose.

The house shook, and I looked up to see the tendril wrap around El's ankle, picking her up.

I struggle to hop onto my feet, Mike grabs her hand before she could get dragged away by the monster.

I use the bent golf club as a cane, almost sprinting to Mike. I drop the club, taking hold of El's arms as well, trying my best to pull her back into our grasp.

Max and Will join in, tightly grabbing onto El's arm, trying to heave her back.

"Pull!" Mike shouts.

"Nancy, shoot it!" Jonathan screams, his voice cracking.

"Come on, Nancy!" I yell, pulling the young girl as hard as I could. Having vampire strength would come in handy right about now.

Nancy pulls the trigger several times, but the grip the Mind Flayer had on Eleven barely lessened.

"Come on! Lucas!" Max called.

I couldn't tell what he was doing at this time, I was to focused on the huge ass monster in front of me.

Lucas hops up on a box, hoisting the ax Jonathan had into the fleshy arm of the creature.

The creature roars, and Lucas does it once more.

There was so much going on, that I had barely even noticed the blood that was swirling down my face, neck, and even a little down my chest.

The rug starts to bunch up, making me slightly slip, but I continue yanking Eleven towards me.

"Pull!" Max shouts one last time before Lucas finally chops off the Mind Flayers arm, sending us all tumbling to the ground.

A part of the tendril was still stuck to El, but Mike tears it off, throwing it in a random direction while El screams in pain.

The Mind Flayer was still roaring down at us from the huge hole in the ceiling, but El got up, standing basically on one leg as the other fell limp. I hugged Will close to me, all of us panting as we sat on the ground, looking at either Eleven or the creature.

El reached her hand up, yelling as she pushed the Mind Flayer out of the hole that he was peering down at us from, its head begins to emit some slime, before it completely cracks in half, spitting slime everywhere.

El falls backwards into Max as Nancy shouts, "Go!"

Everyone scrambled up, Will helping me stand as we rushed out of the door, and to the car.

El sat in Mikes lap, wailing in pain.

My eyes were starting to get heavy, but I kept it together the whole car ride, listening as the kids were freaking out.

A/N: ty for 2k reads!:-)

Infinity| Billy Hargrove [2]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora