I looked down at my camera hanging from my neck, my body shaking. In contemplation I reached down and grabbed it, bringing it up to my face and quietly turning it on. My hands were mildly shaking as I fumbled with the buttons.

I lifted it up to my vision and quietly took a picture through the crack of the door, getting a shot of the man bloody and tied to a chair. I change my angle and take a picture of the mass amounts of drugs being sorted by Liam and Louis, holding my breath.

I needed to get out of here, I needed to call the police.

Harry shot his fist into the nearly unconscious man again, hitting him so hard that I felt it myself. It sounded like bone crushing, a nose breaking.

After the hit he turns around and paces for a second, breathing heavy as he held the gun by his side. He cigarette stayed dangled between his lips, his knuckles bruising and drenched in blood. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

He tossed his head back and takes a breath, running the back of his wrist up his forehead to rid the sweat collecting on his skin.

"You're wearing yourself out." Liam chuckles in humour.

"You try decking someone fifty fucking times." Harry says back, taking out his cigarette and tossing it to the floor like he was outside. He dived his hand into his back pocket and pulled out a red sucker. He ripped off the wrapper and stuck it into his mouth before continuing.

I raise my camera up and snap another picture with Harry in it. My breathing becoming heavier, I was getting choked up. I needed to go, I needed to go to the police immediately. My mind was telling me to run but my body was frozen out of shock. I've never felt this petrified before.

Harry walks back and bends over to look at the unconscious man tied the chair, his head lolled to the left like he was completely knocked out or dead.

"Louis come check and make sure he isn't dead yet." Harry lifts the strangers heavy head by the hair so he can look straight up on it.

Louis walks over with the gloves on, bends over like Harry and peels the victims eyelids open. He examines them for a second, shaking his head.

"He's not dead, his pupils aren't dilated." He murmurs while examining his eyes. "He's just barely conscious." Louis stands back up and walks over to the bags of narcotics again, continuing his previous actions.

Harry clenched his jaw and fisted his hands, suddenly ripping the cloth out of the strangers mouth and replacing it with the end of the black pistol. The mans tired eye opened wide as Harry bent down to look right into his eyes, holding the back of the mans neck.

"The count of three and you'll be tasting led." He muttered in rage, frustration.

I widened my eyes and felt my eye start to water, suddenly diving my hands into my jacket pocket to grab my phone. I whipped it out and fumbled with the buttons to turn it on, my hands sweating and shaking so bad that I couldn't even type in my password right. I was holding my breath so no one would hear me.

It slips.

My stomached cramped up and I nearly collapsed to the ground in shock as my phone slipped out of my erratic hands and hit the floor. It felt like it was happening in slow motion, the sounds of my heart beating flooding my ears so I was deaf. My veins bursted with a cold rush, my anatomy flinching the minute the device thumped to the floor.

Duplicity [h.s]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora