The last thing I'd need is to run into Harry yet again in this hallway. I'm still all on edge from yesterday, I do not want to see his face at all today considering I'll have to take his pictures tomorrow.

The complicated thing about Harry was he is just a normal guy, but for some reason he scares me so much. He has no power over me, why should I be so intimidated by him? It's the way he talks, the way he stares.

I head down to the lobby, calling a cab on my way. In record time I was already outside and my ride pulled up. It was a beautifully sunny day, bringing me out of my rut a little bit. When I got in the cab, I told them the venue and we were off, only being about a ten minute ride.

The city was so alive today, so intricate to look at behind a car window. There was something about watching crowds of people walking without sound very satisfying to me. I was always a window watcher, I could people stare for hours, everyone was so different.

When I arrived at the venue, I thanked the driver and tipped before rushing out. I didn't really have a plan on how to go get my tripod, they might not even let me in for all I know.

I stepped up to the entrance and just walked in, the big front doors were surprisingly unlocked. I guess they don't have body guards out here if there's no show going on. I would've expected someone out here though if the doors were just simply unlocked.

I walked in to the empty entrance way, seeing not a body in sight. I took this as permission to just keep walking until someone tells me not to. The only thing is I have no idea how to even get to the arena itself, right now I was just in the concession part.

I weaved my way through the venue blindly, still seeing not a single soul in sight. I was getting a bit of an eerie vibe, there's no way this place is closed right? I feel like a big venue like this is never really closed... there's gotta be people around somewhere.

I kept walking through different areas, trying to find the floor level of the arena itself so I can sneak backstage and into my old dressing room. Eventually I found my way, walking into the ginormous area that felt so empty compared to last night. Once again no one was around, even the stage was empty. I would've expected stage crew maybe still taking things down from last night, maybe even seeing Sal running around somewhere.

I jogged through the length of the empty concert arena which was honestly a lot longer then I thought. If I run too fast then I'll need my inhaler so I had to keep it cool. It felt like ages later I finally got to beside the stage where I sneaked through behind it and into unauthorized area.

Once coming to a more recognizable place, I walked calmly to the back dressing room areas. I had a weird pit in my stomach though, maybe because I still haven't seen anyone around and truly felt alone now. Why has bent I seen anyone yet? Was I truly the only person here?

I hurried my pace again, feeling this uneasy feeling that I wasn't suppose to be here. The halls echoes of emptiness but all the lights were on like people were here somewhere. I rushed towards the hallway of dressing rooms, hoping I didn't waste this creepy trip and my tripod really was here.

As my sneakers turned quickly down the hallway, I finally heard a noise.

"Tell me!" I heard a muffled shout, making me freeze in my tracks.

Everything went silent and I froze my breathing. I stood in the middle of the hallway, refusing to move for a moment. Silence went on for so long that I started to convince myself I was just hearing things, but when I went to take another step forward I heard it again.

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