Chapter 14 - Scared

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Tommy - 

Maybe it wasn’t such a smart thing for me to volunteer to stay with Nikki. He’s being a bit of an asshole, although, I guess I can’t blame him. I look at the food tray. It doesn’t look appealing at all, but I’m hungry, never one to turn down eats. I hear a knock on the door, and finally it’s Nikki’s nurse and a tech. A pretty nurse, but I’m thinking that he doesn’t give a shit right now. She begins to introduce herself, saying that they just had a shift change. Nikki interrupts, and says that he was promised pain meds. She tells him that the phlebotomist needs to do a blood draw first, then she has to check his vitals, and then wait for the directive from his doctor. I immediately position myself, ready to sack Nikki if he starts to rise up, bracing for an explosive response. Instead, he just asks if he was moved from ICU to the hospital’s basement torture chamber. And goes on about how this is fucking unbelieveable, and what the fuck kind of people work here who let their patients suffer. 

The lab technician is done and leaves. The nurse finishes recording Nikki’s vitals, then leans into him, and tells him that she knows who he is. A colleague called her earlier to let her know that he’d be one of her patients tonight. She says she’s his biggest fan, and then, like a magician pulling a rabbit from his hat, she nimbly pulls a Quaalude out from her cleavage. “From me to you. From my personal stash, Nikki Sixx. They’re not easy to get now. Our secret. Shhhhh.,” she says seductively. “Just to take the edge off until your doctor signs off on the directive for pain management.” She puts the pill in her mouth to offer it to him. He flashes a devilish grin and opens his mouth for her. They lock lips for a few seconds as she swaps the pill from her mouth to his, then tells him she’ll be back soon. She gives me an alluring smile, also telling me that she’s my biggest fan, asking if I need anything. I told her maybe she can find me some decent food. She tells me that she has something that I can eat. I tell her to save that treat for Nikki. She then asks if that’s all, and proceeds to tell me that she has other things tucked in her bosem. Hmm, piques my interest, but no, I can’t, just food please. She says she’ll see what she can do, trailing her fingers under my chin as she leaves. Before exiting, she asks if Mick and Vince will be back? Damn, this broad. She gives me one final, sultry pout, and before I know it, I find myself asking for a cleavage-lude. I’ll need to sleep later on this hard-ass chair. I’ll save it.

Now I don’t know whether to be pissed or applaud. Normally, Sixx and I live for this crazy happenstance type of shit that our fans sometimes hit us with. But honestly, he just fucking died last night. His heart and breathing stopped. One Quaalude would normally be nothing, but now everything seems lethal to me, remembering how I thought that water and moving his bed could harm him earlier. I look over at Nikki, he’s laying back, eyes closed, enjoying the pill in his mouth with a brainless smirk on his face. I offer him water to help it go down.

I give him a few minutes to feel the effects of the drug. I know he wants to sleep, but I just want to talk to him before he goes out. Besides, the nurse will be back with the prescribed meds soon, may as well keep him awake. "Nik, that was unexpected. Cool, I guess. Are you feeling any better?" Nikki says that he still feels sick, but a bit more relaxed. I decided to tell him now that we contacted his grandpa. He opens his eyes, and asks me what we told him. "We told him that you're in the hospital, and almost died from an overdose." He tells me that we shouldn't have called him, and then asked if we called his mom too. I told Nikki that we didn't call his mom, but that we all agreed that his grandpa should know. Then I told him that he's flying out here tomorrow. Nikki looks agitated again. "Look, he deserves to know. The hospital made a big deal yesterday, about none of us being your real family. We had to explain that we're all you had, except your grandpa, who's out-of-state. We took his spot last night. He needs to be here with you. Family is important." He responds by saying, "Yeah, it's really important for him to see me sick and spilling my bowels out all day." 

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