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So, I told ya'll that I have a 3rd book already completed for this series. I mentioned that I'm stopping there and not going for a 4th in the series because it will still start to sound desperate and probably repetitive.

But, I was kind of bummed, because I like writing. For the past few weeks, I've been trying to think of something new to do. I'm a Crue fan, and in particular a Nikki fan. So, I'm staying within that realm. I figured I could maybe try my hand at a straight-up N.S. x girl story. But (one) I couldn't think of anything new to bring to the table. There's some really good ones out there, and I couldn't think of anything good enough to stand out among them. And (two) I explained somewhere elsewhere in my writing that I prefer this niche plot of Crue x Crue. I'm as straight as a fucking arrow, but I get a little weary of these fictional broads edging in on my Crue fantasies. It's easier to write this way. Jealous much, I must ask myself.

I thought maybe I could try some one-shots, but here's the problem with that, my dear, mostly-silent readers; I'd be twiddling my thumbs for months on end, waiting for a single request.

I am happy to see though that my number of readers has increased from 3 to maybe about 10 or 12. I'm maybe a little conservative there. But I thought that I had even more until I realized that everytime I refer back to one of my published chapters for a reference, as I continually edit my upcoming chapters, I'm nicking up my own reader count. I didnt know that happens. I just proved that I'm my biggest fan.

Anyway, I have finally started on a 4th book! I am stoked. So, I lied a little, it's going to bank off my other 3 books and pick up on the timeline where book 3 leaves off, but it's completely different, and a lot nuts.

I was inspired by the last chapter of my 3rd book. It's a different tone and narration style from all the prior chapters. So, I had this different style in mind, but I didnt want to just continue on with the timeline, so I was still in writer's block mode for awhile. Then it fucking came to me, 2 days ago! I can't believe I'm trying this. I promise you, there's nothing like it within the Wattpad Crue fanfic selections.

I can set it up in any time period of the Crue history, but I decided that if I just bank it off of my other 3 books, I can spare myself from having to set up a new scenario. Plus, we're coming up to the time of the Dr. Feelgood era, when Sixx was at the height of his fucking hotness. I can't resist that visual.

So it will still be N.S. x T.L., but that's not even going to be so much the main premise anymore. It will definitely be in the storyline, but it's really going to be more about the way it's told. There will also be more Vince and Mick, and more quoted dialogue than narrative. I can't tell you anymore. I think I half lost my brain on this one. I hope I can pull this off.

Thank you faithful readers. I'll be posting Chapter 13 a little later today. I have 16 chapters in this book, and 22 for book 3. That will give me plenty of time to try to pull of my new idea.


Feelgood // Nikki Sixx X Tommy LeeWhere stories live. Discover now