Chapter 15 - The Bathroom

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I didn’t expect that. Nikki has never shown his vulnerable side. He has come close a few times, then suddenly becomes aware of what’s unfolding, and pulls back. But, he let himself go this time. I guess he had to fucking die first before baring his soul. He’s pulling back now, but he knows he opened the door to me. I think we’re all pretty scared about this. One fucking day at a time. I’m glad that Nikki is agreeing to Christmas Day with me. I think that his grandfather will keep him out of trouble, but I’d feel better being there too. 

There's a knock on the door. It’s the nurse. She says that she has meds for Nikki. A dose of Methadone, Tylenol, and sleeping pills. And she has McDonalds for me. She must have an outside connection. Someone she begged to run to get food for her, so she can impress me. She hands me the bag of food, and then insists that she needs to help Nikki use the bathroom before dispensing the meds since the sleeping pills will knock him out. I’m caught off guard when she asks if I want to help. I know exactly where she’s going with this. I can’t. She disconnects him from the machines, helps him out of bed, they walk to the bathroom. Nikki looks back at me as he's stepping in, and the door clicks shut. I have a feeling that they’re going to be in there for awhile. I bet a fuck and his meds will cheer him up. I decide that it’s a good time to call Heather, before I feel tempted to knock on the door to join them.

Heather is happy to hear from me. She asks how I’m holding up, and I told her that I’m fine, that I just got food, and Nikki will be discharged tomorrow. Heather says, “He’s doing good then, I guess?” I said oh yeah. He’s really good now because I’m fairly certain that he’s either getting laid or getting blowjob from the nurse in the bathroom. She laughs, and asks if I’m kidding. I tell her no. And then she tells me to behave. I know. I will. I have. I know I owe her my all after what she did for me last night. I know that Nikki isn’t her favorite person, but she went all out for me to be able to be there for him. That’s love, yet I don't quite have the guts to tell her about spending time with Nikki on Christmas. I’ll figure that out later.

I hang up the phone, and hear another knock on the door. It’s another nurse. Kind of cute, maybe a bit square if anything. She asks if the other nurse is in here. I motion to the bathroom door. She gasps, “Oh my god. She’s really doing it. I told her I'd cover for her.” 

“Yep, I think that she’s fucking my bandmate in there. Can’t she get fired?” The other nurse tells me that she’d be fired on the spot if caught in the act, that’s why she’s covering for her. She told me that her co-worker is a huge fan of ours, and always has hoped to meet us, not knowing that someday we’d wind up here on her shift. She’s working it to her advantage. These girls go to all lengths. Damn, we have the best job ever. Can't even get fixed up in a hospital without girls coming for us.

It’s been about 15 minutes since the nurse led Sixx to the bathroom. I’ve heard some moans, so I know something has gone down, or someone. The other nurse left about 3 minutes ago. The bathroom door slowly opens, the nurse is dressed just as before, Nikki in his flimsy gown. She walks him to the bed, orders him to sit and lay back. She reconnects his shit, and then hands him the meds with water. She strokes his hair, and tells him that she hopes that he feels better and to sleep well. Then turns back to me. “Tommy, how’d you like your dinner. Don’t you want dessert?” What a tease. I mean who wouldn’t want a sexy nurse to fuck them in the hospital, but if I was going to give in, I would have done it while Nikki was with her. I just tell her I’m full, and thank you. She tells me that visiting hours are still in effect for another hour, and that maybe Vince and Mick would like to come back to see Nikki again before the night is over. She winks and leaves. Holy shit. She’s determined. I look back to Nikki. He looks sedated, but is still awake. He tells me that he’s surprised that I didn’t go in with them. I tell him that I need to behave. I owe it to Heather. I tell Nikki how she took charge last night since I was too much of a mess. I tell him how he should have seen her yelling at the receptionist to get info. He says to me that I found a good one, then shuts his eyes. I think he’s out. I never even asked him what he and the nurse did. 

Feelgood // Nikki Sixx X Tommy LeeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora