Part 9 :- In 'Pain' and In 'Pleasure'

Start from the beginning

"Jun, are you feeling jealous?" Xian asks, kissing the older boy on the side of his lips.


"My dear Jun, you have nothing to worry, just like in my heart, you are the only one to have ever entered here," Xian says, putting his hand over YiJun's cheek.

"Not even your parents?" YiJun asks, kissing Xian's palm.

"No. It's just ours; our secret." Xian says, pulling YiJun towards the bed; YiJun lets him, "Xian, how much longer do we have to wait? Haven't we waited enough?"


"Amm...It's just that-" Xian starts, but trails off.

"Say it. Whatever it is that is bothering you."

"The pay... I remember it being much lower. I mean, the information on the brochure supplied at the hall had a different pay mentioned." Xian voices his thoughts hesitantly.

"Yes, it is more than what I had decided to pay for the position. Is that a problem? If you want, I can... "

"No. Thank you. As long as I am just doing what is mentioned, I am more than happy to accept the payment."

Wangji smiles, "Good. Are there any other questions?"

"What should I call you? I mean, how should I address you," Xian asks.

'Jun.' Wangji thinks, catching Xian's eyes, "What do you think you should call me?"

"Wangji." Xian smiles mischievously, making it sound like a challenge, wanting to get a response out of the Ice Prince.

"Do you think you are my equal?" Wangji asks, walking towards the young man.

"I am better than you."

"How so?" Wangji asks once again, backing Xian up against the wall, trapping him between his arms. 'I know you will say something to hurt me.'

"I didn't ask anyone to sell themselves," Xian answers, looking Wangji directly in his eyes. There is anger in them, but passion too.

Wangji had expected this. He smirks and leans closer. 'I need to taste his lips.'

He had begun to curse the promise he had made to his uncle, not to compel the boy against his will.

Wangji wants to taste the boy all over. Wangji wants all of him. Wangji knows that he is obsessed. He had come across Xian's lookalikes several times in the past four centuries, but none had had a profound impact on him like Wei Xian. None had made him hard like this None had tasted like this. Wangji was addicted.

He had not fed in four days, yet he felt full with only a few drops of Xian's blood in him.

"Ah, yes, I asked you to sleep with me...I am sorry. I was merely giving you a chance."

"Mn?" Xian feels confused.

"No one has ever been able to resist me. Everyone wants me." Wangji pauses and turns away from Xian.

"I am sorry. I don't follow."

"I thought you had feelings for me. I thought you wanted to sleep with me. I was just giving you what I thought," Wangji turns and traps Xian again, "you wanted."

"How dare you!?" Xian yells, pushing Wangji away.

Wangji smirks again. "Can you prove that you don't want me?"

"How should I prove it to you?" Xian asks, falling into Wangji's trap.

"Kiss me without falling for me."

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