act 1

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Olivia was a slightly creepy girl some would say. But she just loved to study witch craft!. She was usually scene hanging out with a few other kids her age around parks and stuff usually staying out of trouble and away from the bully's. Her little gang of teens was around five people excluding her. There was Jackson, Aaron, Kathleen, Jackie, and Ruthie they were all either part of a family of witches or other things as witch craft was normally seen along with weredogs and normal human family's. As the weredogs or also known werewolf's were normal like the witches and everyone lived in peace amongst each other. The witches were separated among their family's natural abilities without practice which was either combat, spell, potion, or the deadliest at necromancy which is kind of creating zombies or the undead. Olivia the only girl catoragized as a necromancer in her family was labeled a mistake and a monster but her friends didn't care because they were either the same as her or just outcasts.

Olivia had been walking to school in her normal outfit . A pair of skinny ripped black jeans, A tucked in striped blue and white tee-shirt, a black and grey flannel. Her books and other things were in her bookbag and satchel which she carried;her bookbag had over fifty pins stuck to it.
Olivia had a pinkish white hair color that was cut short and it was fluffy very fluffy. Olivia walked to her school as she had been doing since she could remember the same road the same town everything. She's always walked to the same school at eight fifty to get to her ninth grade classes on time. But the last couple of days she had felt as if she were not alone. As if someone were following close behind her or watching her. She would occasionally call out a seeking spell. It was a spell used to seek anyone who may be following or hiding from you as she had made it go to good use in her fifteen years of being alive. Olivia looked around seeing no one and shrugged as she continued to school.

End of act 1

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