Card 7: Ace of Spades

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Then they jumped off the pillar, flying towards each other, they gripped one another hands that were holding the guns, but they still kept firing as they spun in the air, then they slam into the ground, on their sides as their guns were pressed at one another temples. "You're empty." Smith informs him, "So are you." Neo informs him, Smith was shocked that Neo even knew that, but as he then makes a move.

Neo spins in the air and lands back on his feet as Smith pulls himself back up onto his feet, he looks at his gun and tosses it to the side, then Neo tosses his gun to the side and Smith straightens out his coat, cracking his neck. Then Neo charges at him as Smith blocks his attacks, then kicks him back against the pillar. Smith goes to punch him, but Neo dodges both times and Smith only broke the concrete pillar.

Then Neo kicks him back, pulling himself off the pillar. Then spins kicks him in the face, Smith smacks against it as he glares at Neo, his shades broken from the kick and Neo just glares at the man. "As much as I will enjoying killing Ms. Blue..." Smith states, making Neo stiffen at Zelda's last name. "I'm gonna enjoy watching you die... Mr. Anderson," he states, tossing his shades to side and lunges at him. Neo blocks his attack.

Then he threw his attack at him, Smith blocks them, then swipes Neo off his feet and slams his hits into Neo's chest and he went flying into the wall, indenting it, then he drops to the ground and glares up at Smith. Then Neo leans back onto his hand, kicking at Smith's chest, knocking him back then Neo pulls himself up, and threw a punch at him, but Smith stops it, then Neo knocks his hand free, slamming his fist into Smith's chest and left hooks him across the face.

Then Neo went to swing at him again, but Smith grips his arm and locks it under. Then he did the same to Neo's other arm that came swing. He locks Neo's arms in then headbutts him in the face, but then Neo stops the third one from come, and Smith shoves him away, then slams his fist into his chest, making him stumble back. Then Smith swung at him again and Neo dodges his swing at him. Then Neo went to swing at him, but Smith grips his arm and slams his fist into Neo's side, making him cry out in pain. Then he brought his foot up from behind and smacks it into Neo's face.

Smith lets go as Neo stumbles back, then he blocks Smith's punch, swinging his foot up into Smith's face, hits his arm into Smith's chest. He stumbles back, then Neo kicks him back more, then Smith blocks his punches then went to punch Neo square in the chest, but Neo stops his attack, but he pulls out and threw his other fist into Neo's chest and he went flying out and smacks against the ground. Neo was curled in close to himself, but then he jerks out as he coughs up blood.


On the ship, Neo coughs up blood, Zelda gasps as she hurries and grips some of her sleeves. "He's killing him, Christ," she whispers and rips her sleeve into a cloth.

Then she wipes away Neo's blood from his mouth and watches the monitors that were keeping check over his health. Fear rolls through Zelda as she looks down at Neo. Fear grips at her heart "You can't lose. Please don't lose."


Neo glares at Smith, who was smirking, but Neo forces himself back up onto his feet and wipes his mouth of his blood. The smirk falls from Smith's face as Neo jerks the dust off himself, then he took his stance, exhaling calmly as he then waves for Smith to come at him.

Smith charges at Neo, who blocks his attack and dodges, then he slams his fist into Smith's face, then locks in his other arm in and headbutts him then he slams his fist under Smith's chin, making Smith stumble back, then Neo steps, jumps up, slamming his feet into Smith's chest, making him stumble back even more. Neo then lands on his feet then reels his hand back, but Smith catches his wrist and Neo slams his fingers into his throat, making him gag.

The Matrixحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن